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Well, i know it's gonna be $0 as soon as possible. I really need a new job. I think i'll apply for a waitress. I've worked as a waitress before. I just need a restaurant or a cafe that needs a new employee.

I got out and started looking around.

I didn't know it was my luck or what but i found a small cafe near my apartment that needs a new employee. Pepper Cafe. The cafe was small and crowded, but it was lovely. I entered and asked one of the employee about the job. And he took me to the manager's office.

"Hi, yes, can i help you?" she asked. She looked tired, still looked nice, even with that fake smile and nose job.

"Hello." First impression, Kate. "I saw the job offer.."

"Oh yes, please, sit down." she smiles.
"My name is Silvia and i do need a new employee, Asher needs a help back there since Emily quitted. Boy, i'm glad because she is so annoying. So what's your name?" she asked after her little chit chat.

"Kate Parker." i smiled at her.

"Okay, Kate. What can you do?" she asked again.

"Umm, i've worked as a waitress before in a restaurant near Times Square."

"Oh i see. You got the job!" she shrieked.

"Oh.. what.. really?" i asked, i was confused i barely talk.

"Yes! I mean you have an experience so why not? You can start today." she said. "About the salary... i have a little absent here since i'm not gonna always be here. So you would get your salary based on how often you go to work! And you'll get around $25 per your attendance."

"Alright, Ma'am i understand, thank you so much for the opportunity. I would start right now." i smiled and got up.

"Please, call me Silvia! I'm still 25 for God's sake." she said playfully.

"Right. Thanks again, Silvia."

"No, thanks to you, dear! I'll introduce you to everyone, put your bags in there." she said and pointed to a room.
"I almost forgot! No phone!"

I went to the employee's room and put my belongings and wear my apron. I went back to Silvia and she greeted me with a smile.

"Alright alright!" she said. I walked with her.

"Asher." she said. The boy named Asher looked to us and smiled. He looks younger than me, like 18. Brown hair, hazel eyed. Probably 6 feet.

"Hey Silv," he said.

"This is..." she trailed.

"Oh, uh, i'm Kate." i said.

"And she'll be your new partner!" Silvia said, excited.

Asher flashed me a warm smile. "Welcome Kate. Nice to meet you."

"You too." i replied his smile.

"Moving on." Silvia dragged me to a girl behind the counter.

"This is Jane. Kate, Jane. Jane, Kate."

"Hiii!" Jane said. Her smile was lovely. She's this tiny ginger head yet a really lovely person, i can see that.

I threw her a warm smile. "Nice to meet you."

She smile and nodded.

"And the last... Ken. Meet Kate." Silvia said.

"Oh, hi." Ken said. He has this cool vibe on him. More like 'i don't give a fuck about everything' vibe. But he's cute. He was about my age and he wore a thin frame glasses.

"Nice to meet you, Ken." i said.

He only replied me with a nodd and "Mhm."


"Alright, Kate. I will leave you here. I'll give you a name tag tomorrow. Welcome to Pepper!" Silvia said and went back to her office.

I stood there, didn't know what to do. But i'm glad Jane was a really active person.

"Hi Kate!! So, you're new here right? It's gonna be fun! I need a new friend. These boys are sooo lame. Ugh, finally!" she said.

"Um, hey." I didn't know what to say.
"So what's your job?- I mean, what do you do??" i asked.

"Cashier." she answered.

"The last girl, Emily, what did she usually do?" i asked. I really don't know what's my position.

"Oh, she's flexible. Sometimes she's a waitress, sometimes she makes the drinks." she said.

"And the boys?" i asked.

"Asher does the same as Emily. And Ken... i don't know what he's doing for sure. Basically the cleaning. But he helps me a lot sometimes." Jane explained.

"Okay, can you teach me how to make drinks?" i said. "I'm so annoying because of these questions, sorry."

"What! No!" she slapped her hand in the air.
"Asher will gladly teach you." Jane said and called Asher.

"Hey, A. Teach her your things." And then, Jane left us.

"Hey." I said.

"Hey." he replied with a smile. God, he's cute when he smiles.
"What do you wanna know?"

"Um.. drinks?" i asked.

"It's pretty easy. We basically just like starbucks. Coffee, tea."
Asher then taught me how to make blended drinks.

Well, it wasn't hard but it wasn't easy either.
"You'll get used to it. I'll help you, don't worry." he flashed me another reasurring smile.

"Thanks Asher." i replied his smile. "Who makes the foods?"

"Our chefs. Bart, China and Jax." he explained.

"1 Choco Frappe!" Jane yelled.

He smiled at me, "You got this."

I sighed and start making it. My very first Chocolate Frappe.

"You forgot the milk." Asher said and handed me a milk.

"Right," i blushed. "Sorry."

"Don't worry, love. Doing great." he said.

I blended them and then put the whipped cream and caramel syrup on top of the cream.

"There you go! Congrats." he chuckled.

"I did a great job, didn't i?" i said playfully.

"You do." he said. "Now let's work. You can be a waitress today. I'll do the drink."

Today's gonna be a long day.

aWHAT THE ACTUAL FUCK THIS CHAPTER IS SO FUCKING LAME im srry it'll get better i promise

but please




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