Chapter Two- Taylor and David

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"Yes mom I got it" I said into the phone, chewing on my minty gum. Stephanie, walking on my right, laughed as she looked at her new i-phone. My mom's booming voice responded back.

"Alright Taylor. I will see you at eight tonight." I slid my Sidekick shut and looked over at my giggling best-friend. It took her awhile to see that I was looking right at her. She lifted her head, her blond hair flipping to the back as she ran her hand through it. "What?" She questioned, still with a giggling attitude.

"What are you laughing at?" I demanded, taking a peak at her phone. Brandon. Of course it's Brandon. They have been together for two days and their "in love" already so she says. It makes me sick. Steph always says it's because I am single, but I thinks it's just pathetic to act like that. I roll my eyes and look down at my snake skin Kathy Van Zeeland purse. 

School was just ahead, where I make it's a total jail cell. Our shoes hit the ground at the same time with the same sound. People filed into the front school doors, but a few still stayed outside talking together. My phone vibrated loudly in my hand. I flip it open and read the message. "OMG. Come to the freshman hallway ASAP! Another loser facing Stephen!" Stephen was the bad boy of all our school. I read it out loud so Stephanie could hear it too. She looked at me with her bright blue eyes and we walked fast to the school doors.

Inside was a mess. Paper everywhere, lockers open. If I ran this school, it would all be pink and sparkles. Just saying. My flats hit the tile of the floors with a loud bang and everyone turned to look my way in awe. Stephanie followed as we walked down to the freshman hallway. As we passed everyone, they whispered about us. All compliments of course. 

When we got closer to the hallway, people were screaming and cheering on for Stephen. Stephanie and I pushed our way to the front. David, the school geek, was getting pushed up against the lockers. His dark brown hair was pushed back out of his face and his black rimmed glasses stuck to his face like glue. The books he was carrying flew everywhere, nearly exploding. Stephen's hands were grabbing onto David's polo, pushing him up to the lockers. Stephen's blond hair hung down in his face as he screamed in David's face. "Get out of here punk." With a final shove against the locker. 

David slid to the ground, clutching his chest. Travis, another school jock, yelled from the other side of the crowd. "Get up! No one likes a sore fighter!" Everyone laughed at his comment. David just sat their crying, crouching down. Stephen walked closer to him and kicked his books to the locker. "Done be a baby!" I added, laughing. Just then, the bell rang for a five minute warning. The crowd left, leaving David there, against the lockers looking up. One of his friends came up to him and kneeled next to him. "What happened? Was I too late?" I heard him say. I stood further away, listening to their conversation. 

"Stephen again." David paused to take a breath. "Get the principal. Nurse or something." His friend looked up at me with the most evil glare I had ever gotten. Behind me, I heard Stephanie yell my name. I back up slowly, taking in everything that just happened. 

I saw Stephanie walk into the janitors closet. My feet slowly take me to the closet. "Steph, get out of there. Our class is this way obviously." No answer. Once I  was directly in front of the door, I was pulled in. I screamed for help but the door shut. Then the final bell rang. "Karma." I heard as a whisper. 

I suddenly felt dizzy and felt like I was going to faint. Then I fall back onto the ground, loosing consciousness.


The door opens loudly into the house. My nose hurt really bad, I think it was broken. The lights were off, so the house was pitch black. Drew should be back from work by now, I thought. He always pushed me around, but it didn't bug me that much. 

I felt my way around the living room, trying to find the stairs. Suddenly, something whirled in my face, causing me to fall on my back with my backpack. "Ow!" I exclaimed as I hold my nose. The lights turn up and I look up to see Drew. He stood there behind the door to the basement, laughing.

"Oh my god!" He said in between his laugh. "I am so sorry Dave. But that is hilarious!" Drew slammed the door shut, then bent down to laugh. "You alright?" He added.

"No!" I said, still holding my nose. His face turned concerned. Drew knelt next to me while I was still on the floor. I uncovered my nose, looking into my hand for any blood. None. "Woah dude." Drew said, looking into my hand also. "Did I do that?"

"Not all of it." I groaned as I got up, slinging my backpack over my shoulder again. Drew got up, looking at me with a even more concerned face. 

"What happened David?" His voice was stern and furious. Drew was always protective over me. Because, you know, he is the school's "popular guy". We go to the same school, but he is a senior and I am a freshmen. 

"Nothing really. What's it to you?" I ask angrily, walking towards the kitchen. But before I even passed him, Drew's arm stretched before me. 

"Don't act tough. What happened?" Drew turned me around by my shoulders. "What happened?" He repeated. 

"Stephen beat me up. Nothing to worry about." Drew's face looked angry, and his voice changed to more serious then the usual annoying and loud voice.

"Nothing to worry about? He nearly broke your nose David!" I looked away and thought about all the pain Stephen brought to me. The door opened behind Drew, letting the cold air back in.

"Hello boys." Father said, closing the door behind him. Drew gave me a look like "tell him". Father walks towards the kitchen then stops next to where me and my brother were standing. "Woah David, what's wrong with your nose?"  I turned downwards, causing my hair to fall down in my face. His fingers touched under my chin to lift my head up after he set his briefcase down. Drew moved back towards the door. "Your nose is to the side. Who did this?" Dad asked with a stern tone.

My eyes look at him as I reply. "I got hit with a door at school, hard. Nothing to worry about." I could see Drew in the background shaking his head. Dad raised his head in suspision. "Alright, we will go to the doctors tomorrow morning." He replied, walking into the kitchen after grabbing his briefcase.

I quickly grab my backpack and rush up the stairs before Drew. My door slowly opens to the darkness of my room. The light switch next to the door was glowing an orange color. I reach to the side, dragging my hand across the wall, and touch the switch. But nothing would work. My hand flipped the switch up and down but it still wouldn't turn the light on. I walk more into my room, searching for my bed. Then suddenly another thing whirled into my face, knocking me on the ground, unconscious. 

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