Chapter 1

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Quick little note before the story: I don't really know how long a full moon lasts, so I just made this full moon lasts three days. It adds to the story. Comment if you have any suggestions or comments in general. :) Have a good day, friendos!


A howl woke the birds from their nighttime slumber. It also disturbed a teenage girl. She shot up in her sleeping bag and crawled out of her tent. She looked around. She was in a dark clearing.

Her camp consisted of a burnt out fire. Her tent was the color of rust almost. It looked as though it had hastily been put up, or just not put up correctly. The moon was out and big and full. The girl could see the startled birds fly across its glowing face. The girl sneezed, which caused something to move in the bushes surrounding the clearing. She looked curiously at the quivering bushes. Through some of the holes she saw a shine of something. She didn't want to investigate; she was too tired. She climbed back into her tent. The wolf decided to wait until tomorrow to attack.


Daybreak dawned with birds chirping cheerfully at the Sun. Critters rustled through the undergrowth as the young Ria walked through it. She was on a camping trip by herself. Her parents had long since died. She owned a house and everything. The orphanage and police made sure she was well taken care of. She preferred to be alone, so that was why no one lived in her one story, two bedroom, three bathroom, high ceilings, large windows with her. She imagined going back to the doggy daycare to pick up her beautiful Husky. She smiled as she imagined her cat, all 10-pound, tortoiseshell fur, green and blue-eyed bulk sitting on the couch arm, waiting to be fed.

Suddenly, she tripped, causing her to fall flat on her stomach. Her black hair flew into her eyes. She looked back and saw that her ankle had twisted just slightly to a weird angle. It hurt a little bit, but Ria could stand the pain. She did have high pain tolerance after all. She noticed that the shadows cast by the trees had gotten longer. 

Night was approaching, and fast.

She needed to get up and find a spot to spend the night. She did and tested her ankle. It was alright. She could walk on it. It'd be fine. The sun was really low in the sky now. She quickly walked along. She was too far to go back to her original site, but also too far to reach the next site before sundown. Ria quickly decided to camp here, right where she was. She just wouldn't have a fire is all. She quickly made her tent and crawled inside. She lit a lantern and set it down next to her sleeping bag. She climbed into her sleeping and closed her eyes. She dozed off.

The wolf watched the movement of its prey with curious eyes. It looked at the Moon and was severely tempted to howl. It did. The howl shook the birds out of their nests and woke Ria up.

Ria sat up quickly. The howl sounded way  too close. She peeked out of her tent and saw the glint of the wolf's eyes. She froze. She knew how to handle a wolf. Climb a tree! They can't get up there.

She slowly came out of her tent and went towards the nearest tree. It had branches within her reach.

The wolf's eyes followed its prey with its amber eyes. It watched the girl start the climb the tree. It stepped forward out of the trees. The human had her back to the wolf, which is the most important thing not to do. The wolf stepped toward the human and grabbed her pant leg.

Ria looked down and got a good look at the wolf. Her eyes widened in horror as she realized that 1) she was being attacked and 2) this was no ordinary wolf. It was a Werewolf.

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