Chapter 19: Making a statement

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At the arena.

Blood Shepherd was on the ring, holding his title and the crowd was booing him after what he did to Darius Devilthorn last week.

Shepherd: Yup, all of you hypocrites saw what I did to my newest challenger at the Royal Rumble and I was proud, and you know what I'm done being a good guy cause I'm no here to entertain you, I'm here to show you all that this world's made of hurt, either you get hurt or you control the hurt and inflict it upon the weak, and I chose-

He was interrupted by Darius's theme, he and Paul Heyman came out.

Paul: Mr Shepherd, that Low Blow you gave to my client could've seriously injure him, do you have any ideas who you are facing?

Shepherd: Yeah, I'm facing a former Cruiserweight Champion, so what? That doesn't make any difference does it? I'm the real deal over here old man, and I won't let you take the opportunity from me!

The crowd boos, and Darius grabbed the mic.

Darius: Shepherd, giving me that Low Blow was the biggest mistake of your life and you'll regret that decision.

Shepherd: Bring it on!

Darius marched towards the ring and upon entering he was ambushed by the Duke of the Balkans and started nailing him punches and knees to the guts before Headbutting, he grabbed the Emissary's carcass and put his legs on his neck did Agonizing Chains, squeezing the breath out of him which caused referees to go after them and separate the Duke from the Emissary, before the Duke left he landed a kick to the back of Darius and grabbed his title and left the arena of booing fans.


Darius: Dude, why so rough?

Dario: Like I said, it's all in the script man, nothing personal.

Paul: You should really be more cautious.

Dario: I'll try.

Dakota: There you are.

She hugged Darius so tight that she squeezed the breath from him.

Darius: Dakota... Let.. Go.

She let go of him.

Dakota: Sorry, it's just I can't resist you.

Paul: Young love.

Dario: Not complicated man.

Darius: Oh you two shut up.

Dario: Alright, geez.

Dakota whispered to him.

Dakota: Wanna go on a another date tonight?

Darius: Sure.

Dakota: Great, meet me at the park oh and bring some wine.

Darius was confused but nodded.

Dakota: Great, see you later.

She kissed his cheek and before leaving she smirked at him.

Dario: Let me guess, a date?

Darius: Wha-

Dario: I'm a good listener, also don't worry about the wine cause I got you covered man.

Darius: Thanks man, I owe you one.

The two fist bumped.

OK guys, next chapter is the couple's second date. I don't know if I can update tomorrow but I'll try.

Peace out!

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