Pt. 12

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Plagg knew what he is doing is dangerous. Not only for himself but also for the holder of the Cat Miraculous. Using cataclysm in this weakened state makes it dangerous for everyone around. It becomes more chaotic and unpredictable. The weaker the user has become, the harder it is for them to control it and with Plagg purposely making harder for the kid to use it, that only makes it just as worse.

Nothing mattered anymore. He already failed this kitten.


Fu watched as Marinette left his shop with a deep frown etched onto his face. He and Marinette had a long talk about Chat Noir's change behavior and health. Even though Marinette wanted to talk to him about Chat's behavior, his health came first. It was becoming increasingly obvious that something is wrong and Chat Noir is doing his best to ignore it.

"Do you believe Plagg is giving up on Adrien?" Wyazz asked as he flew over to Fu.

"No... He already has given up on him, I'm afraid." Fu couldn't help how tired he felt at that instant. He should have seen it coming from several miles away. With how Chat Noir kept putting his own emotions ahead of everyone. The insistence need to get Ladybug's love and approval have blinded him massively. This would not be the first time a Chat Noir has done this, and there were so few times they were able to get out of the gutter before things become irreparable.

"That was what I was afraid of that could be happening..." Wyazz sighed, he flew over and sat on Fu's shoulder. He looked just as tired as his holder. "What are we going to do?"

"Ladybug is still worried about him, but is at her wits ends with his behavior." Wu tiredly said, he made his way back into the shop to look through his things. He has been packing everything to move to a new location and right now, he needed to finish it soon. "I wanted to believe so much in Adrien Agreste that I allowed it to cloud my mind when it has become increasingly clear his behavior is doing more bad than good."

"What are you going to do?"

"I need to speak to him... I will then decide if he's too far gone or if there's a chance of redemption."

"If there's no chance of redemption?"

"...I will follow Ladybug's plan accordingly."


Felix Lachance knew the day he would have to face Adrien Agreste once more after the last time they had faced each other. Which would now make it around... two years? Give or take. Either way, Felix never wants to deal with Agreste anytime soon. That idiot still hasn't learned a single thing from the last time he tried to protect a liar.

Let's just say, that time around, Felix decided his highroad included ruining someone's reputation forever. The memory alone brings him warmth even on the coldest of nights. It was just too bad that Adrien has a successful and rich father to protect his dreadful public image. Typical really. Using daddy's money to get him out of trouble and to continue on with his delusions of reality.

"Excuse me?"

Felix paused mid-stride, he turned around to see an old man carrying a map and looking completely lost. He turned to fully face the older gentlemen, giving him his complete attention. "Sir?"

"I'm sorry to ask... you wouldn't happen to know where..." The old man asked, laughing awkwardly while handing Felix his map. "I moved to a different shop, but I had gotten lost getting there. If you could be so kind...?"

Felix took the map and made a note of their current location to see what is the best direction to the old man's new shop. He made sure that he did not head into heavy traffic or any place that would give him trouble. "Take this route."

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