Chapter 2 :Las Noches

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Chapter 2

We were still standing , vampire to vampire . The truth he had came to bear could'nt be anymore exiting.

Lets hunt . i thought eager to feed. My throat was dry, parched from lack of blood.

His eyes widened and he opened his mouth, '' What now ?! ''

I grinned aware of his worry.

''Yes now '' I murmured and before he could negiociate any further i was out the door.

The air that dwelled in the night was icy cold and my canaine teeth were like popsicle sticks, wedging into my gums. Jager appeared at my side, his face weary.

Ten minutes and one hundred paces later we arrived at New Mayhem , '' Old Mayhem '' i should say was torched down by a strong line of blood witchs hoping to kill as many vampires trapped by the dreary flames that filled the forrest. ''Las Noches'' i thought my breath making a raspy configuration against the cold night air. It was nearing to 4 o clock the club- would nearly be open . Right so your probably thinking the vampric world reevolves around rays of sun , holy water and mallets and sticks leaving us periless. I scoff at the thought. Foolish humans making lies about the unknown , although through there '' fiction novels'' somewhere inside the truth hid under the bundle of lies. We approach the entrace, swinging the door on its hind hinges. I grinned pleased of the stir i had caused between the crowd of people, the atommosphere was heavy and music was pumping from hidden speakers somewhere in the wall. Side ward glances were struck and Jager seemed to have a distaste of the sudden attention we had attracted.

Dont be scaredi thought.

He scowled offended by my judgement .

Infuriated at my statment Jager hurtled himself of one of the nearby stools.

I rolled my eyes and headed towards the dance floor , i moved my body like a sperpent twisting and twinding among the current flow of bodys surrounding me.

I had two purposes of coming here, to feed and to find out some more information about Sirius.

I expected to see familiar faces but one face i had not expected.

Fala. One of the many mortals working under Sirius i presumed, i remmeber her face from the night i died. She was there sweet and mocking.

We twisted our bodies facing each others direction .

I sent a scowl in her direction , receiving one in return .

What are YOU doing here, she questioned her tone angry and confused.

To kill Sirus i shot back pleased of myself.

Ha , you ? Kill Sirius. She rolled her eyes laughing.

Fala was still human , scrawny and small but her aura was strong and dark , like a distant shawdow that could swallow you at your heels. But nothing was stopping me from killing her now.

I smiled at the thought.

Mind your own buisness Fala you have no reason to interferei scoffed spitefully.

She grinned, her pearl white lips curling into a laugh.

I turned around heading to the other direction .

''Ill be at your death once again Cheals''she screamed after me, her voice like poisonous choclate, sweet and velvety but deadly.

''We'll see about your death dear Fala , just wait ''

I smiled tugging on Jager signalling to leave.

Hello dear people, vote vote vote and vote, comment where i went wrong, and i know , i know its  long and your probably thinking, ' get real and get fucked' but i spuse thats why they call them books, novels and i hope to publish this soon.

Read and dont be afraid to be the scary critic.

Your bitch , Tiffietoxicc.

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