Chapter 4 ; the night .

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I sighed,

My wound affecting my ability to walk over the crunchy  leaves surrounding the forest . Still speechless Jager wound up by my side.

Are you ok ?

My features scrunched in a tight ball.

I feel light headed, and i dont think i could go another minute without human blood.

He smiled, that scrawny tawny smile that always made me smile. I collapsed, blood flooding out quickly from  my collar bone. Alarmed, Jager rushed to help me, smearing his cashmere leather jacket against the rough surface of the tree.

Be right back .

Wait here he warned a hedge of sincerity in his voice.

I grinned, and as soon as it had suppressed itself it disappeared, i was barely energetic enough to smile or laugh, or bring any of my facial features up into any clear emotions.

Blood i muttered.

He turned, his back to me and flew out into the night shitshaping into his most favoured form.

The wolf.

He ran his hind legs kicking out from under him , i sighed impatience turning over my leaflet of silence.

I shut my eyes, tears surrounding my sticky cheeks.

'' Ahaha '' Jane giggled, her flossy white hair blending into the winter midst of day  . Chealsea Grinned, her toothy smile directing to her child hood bestfriend.

'' Lets go inside''

'' Its too cold! ''

'' NOOO ''  Jane whined. Her face suppresed a sulk .

Chealsea, stubborn than ever reproached the shutter door.

'' PFUT '''

A snowball caned into Chealsea head, laughter wringing in the yard.

She turned around her face strickened but then relaxed into a smile.

She bent down , a snowball forming in her hand.


I snapped my head, curious to where Jagers voice was coming from , he hunched right by my side a medium sized boar in curdeled in his hands. It will do for now, we need to get you to Domnique.

Domnique the strongest of our line, his age neared  thoushanads of lightyears, as well as wise his powers endured healing and comforting pain  as well as causing it.

He helped me up , my body stiffening refusing to melt into his soft velvetey hands.

The blood curdeled into my mouth, ushering down my throat, reforming the swelling blisters hiding in the hollow of my mouth.

 We have a long walk ahead of us.

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