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Lyn steps into the camera's frame revealing the third dress she has tried on tonight. The dress was a white one that reached Lyn's mid-thigh, the straps that kept the dress up were white ruffles and the hem of the dress was trimmed with lace and she decided to pair they outfit with white heels.

"That's it, that's the dress bitch!" Mae says loudly through facetime.

"Are you sure? It's white, what if I accidently spill food on myself-"

Mae quickly interjects, "Shut up, you'll be just fine."

Lyn looks at herself in the mirror before turning back to the bundled-up girl, "I feel so fucking whimsical bro. I feel like I'm a fairy in a magical forest who's about stunt on these hoes."

"My little boy is finally turning into a man." Mae says dramatically and begins to fake cry.

Lyn wipes a fake tear from her eye, "That means so much to me bro. I would cry but I already did my makeup bro."

"Bro you look so fucking good! I'm rating this outfit five out of five chef kisses." Mae comments giving her a thumbs up.

"Bro you know what I'd rate five chef kisses?" Lyn asks.

"What bro?"

"Our friendship." Lyn says holding her heart.

Mae gasps dramatically before holding her heart as well, "Bro."

"Bro." Lyn nods understandingly.

A loud crash is heard from Mae's side of the screen causing Mae to look back and for Lyn to bring the screen closer to her face inspecting it. A loud "I'm okay!" is heard in the background and soon a beaming Layla pops up onto the screen with a wide grin on her face. Mae rolls her eyes before adjusting her phone so that Lyn could see both girls.

"Ooh bitch this outfit snapped." Layla says clapping.

Mae nods her head in agreement, "They're gonna love you."

"I hope so..." Lyn mumbles while putting on her favorite silver necklace and silver stud earrings.

Mae screeches causing Lyn turn her attention back to the camera. Layla was now alert standing on top of Mae's bed ready to run away while Mae was holding her hand on her chest.

"What?" Lyn asks sending the girls a questioning look.

Mae sighs out of relief, "False alarm girlies, I thought I felt something crawling on my leg, it was just my blanket."

Layla makes a face before saying, "Fuck you Mae."

"You'd like that wouldn't babe?" Mae asks wiggling her eyebrows suggestively.

Layla grabs a pillow whacking her over the head with it. Lyn begins to fake sob covering her mouth. Both girls stop what they're doing sharing confused gazes.

"What's wrong my dude?" Layla asks laying besides Mae again.

"Y-you guys were being g-gay with out m-me." Lyn says dramatically and continues to fake cry.

Mae gasps covering her mouth, "I'm sorry baby I didn't mean it!"

Layla shakes her head, "I hate this household."

Lyn phone makes a pinging sound and a message from Jungkook is displays across the screen. Lyn squints her eyes as tries to read what it says. Lyn asks the girls to be quiet as if it will help her seeing abilities.

"Oh, shit he's here already! I gotta go bye!" Lyn says waving goodbye at them before hanging up.

Lyn exist her small apartment locking the door behind her then slides her house key into the small bag on her shoulder. The sound of a car horn echoes throughout the neighborhood startling Lyn. A grinning Jungkook is sitting behind the wheel with a large grin on his face from the success of scaring the shit out of his girlfriend. Lyn gives him a mocking smile before showing him her polished middle finger as she made her way to his car. Before she could get the chance to open the car door Jungkook had already beat her to it.

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