Chapter 1: I like him a skele-ton

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Hello everyone, just a warning that this is my first Undertale fanfiction and Frans fanfiction so it may not be the best but I hope you all like it. I'm kind of making it up as I go. Please let me know what you like or don't like about it, I'm always open to feedback! :) Anyway I hope you all enjoy the story~


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(Note this is what I imagine a 14-year-old frisk would look like.)

4 days after breaking the barrier

The barrier is destoryed and most monsters are celebrating their freedom. The skeleton brothers where no exception to that. Paps and Sans were holding a celebration at their house and all our close friends where here of course. I was sitting on the couch flipping through channels and on every one of them was news about the barrier being broken aside from one which was just some crappy cartoon in black and white.

I put the remote control down beside me and glanced around the warm home. Paps and Undyne were in the kitchen Enthusiastically Paps was saying he would wow the humans with his cooking while Undyne said she would shock them with how powerful she was.

Metton and Alphys were standing near the door. It wasn't so much that they were talking but rather Metton telling Alphys all the amazing things he would do on the surface and her simply nodding along not able to get a word in.

I smiled,

But wait....where....was....

"Hey, Kiddo whatcha doin'?" I yelped and fell off the couch. I don't think I'll ever get used to Sans teleporting behind me like that no matter how often he does it. He laughed as I sat up, "Sorry kid didn't mean to rattle your bones." I couldn't stay mad at him even with the puns.

He reached out a boney hand to help me up, I looked up at him, the white pupils in his black sockets looking at me. I remember how I first felt meeting sans, how nervous I was when I shook his hand but how relieved I felt afterwards, it's kind of the same feeling now but...instead of feeling afraid I felt I'd just eaten a bunch of yellow flowers and they weren't agreeing with me, like I would throw up or something....I couldn't get my hands to stop trembling...I wasn't scared merely nervous, but only around him.

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