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~Asteria's POV~

In the morning, I woke up to the smell of bacon being cooked and my stomach grumbled hungrily before I even peeled my eyes open all the way.

I groaned as I rolled onto my back, my dark brown hair sprawling across the soft yellow pillow cases under my head. My hair fell down in messy waves as I sat up, my bangs falling in my eyes a little bit. The sun streamed into my room through the windows that were on the wall on the back of the house, right next to Luke's porch. It lit the room with light and I rubbed my eyes as I adjusted to the light, feeling the cool air hit my skin as the blankets fell away from my upper body now that I was sat up. I didn't remember it being so cold when I'd gone to bed last night.

After a second of just sitting in bed and looking at nothing but my blankets, I forced myself to crawl out of bed. Goosebumps formed up and down my skin as I stepped off the bed and the cold, dark wood on the floor touched the bottom of my feet. I shivered and ran across the room and into the bathroom, missing my carpeted floors in my bedroom back home. I had only been here around a day and I was already missing home a little bit. Wanting to take a shower, I turned the bathroom light on and closed the door, locking it before I went and turned on the shower. While the water heated up, I got up and brushed my teeth and the like before I got into the shower.

When I finished taking my shower, I got out and dried off before I pulled on a pair of black panties and a black bra. I didn't feel like blow drying my hair at the moment, so I decided to leave it down so it could dry on its own. I pulled on a white crop top and a pair of black pants with a black belt around the waist, swiping some deodorant on before I headed out of my room and down the hall.

As I entered the living room, I saw that Luke and Xavier were already there, as was Cormac. However, Cece was nowhere to be seen, so I knew she was probably still sleeping. She always did like to sleep in, after all. When I entered the room, all three pairs of eyes looked over at me and Xavier and Cormac both smiled at me. Luke, on the other hand, just glanced over at me and then focused back on the TV again, continuing to eat his food on his plate. I assumed he was the one who must've made the food I smelled when I first woke up. "Ria!" Cormac grinned as I entered the room, causing me to smile and wave at him, as well as to Xavier. "Hi." I greeted.

Cormac came and gave me a hug, his long arms wrapping me in a hug. My hands patted him on the back as I pulled away, peering up at him. He met my gaze and I stepped back. "Sorry I didn't say hello yesterday." He apologized, but I just chuckled and waved a hand dismissively with a shake of my head. "That's fine. Xave told me you were being a handful in the car because you kept whining about how much you wanted to see Cece. I kind of expected you not to say anything." I said, giving him a teasing grin as he blushed in embarrassment. "Shut up." He groaned, running a hand through his dark hair with a little huff. "I wasn't even being that bad." He muttered defensively, sending Xavier a dirty look as I slipped past him.

"Somehow I highly doubt that." I teased back, plopping onto the couch next to Luke. When I saw that he had not only bacon on his plate but eggs and pancakes as well, I felt my stomach rumble hungrily, which inevitably caught his attention. He looked over at me as his plate sat on his lap, his cheeks stuffed full of food, and he raised a brow.

Unable to stop myself, I blushed in embarrassment while he finished chewing his food and then swallowed it. Amusement glimmered in his eyes. "Are you hungry?" He asked, peering down at me. I paused and bit my lip, looking down at the plate of food he had sitting on his lap. It smelled and looked so good. My stomach rumbled again, causing him to smirk. "Yes, I'm hungry." I admitted begrudgingly, huffing to myself. He looked down at the food he had left on his plate and then gestured to it. "You can have the rest of mine. Everyone else already ate, except Cee, of course, but she could just make herself some." He said, surprising me. He was offering me his food, and right in the middle of him eating. That's sweet, in an odd way.

"But...you already ate some of it." I said hesitantly, causing him to chuckle. "It's not like I have cooties or something, Star." He teased, nudging my knee with his as his blue eyes sparkled.

I rolled my eyes and sent him a look. "I didn't say that you have cooties." I defended myself, crossing my arms over my chest. He chuckled and shook his head, running a hand through his curls. "Well, then you wouldn't have a problem with it, would you?" He challenged, raising a brow at me. I paused for a second, just silently debating whether or not I was willing to take food from him. Sure, I was hungry, but I didn't really know Luke that well. "You don't have any...diseases?" I asked, causing him to chuckle, thankfully. At least he didn't get offended. "I don't." He assured, shaking his head.

Although I hesitated a bit, I eventually took the plate and began to eat the rest of his food, but I did feel a little bit bad when I noticed him taking little glances over at me. He was probably still hungry and yet I was over here, eating his food. Wanting to be nice, I offered him five of the six pieces of bacon that were left on the plate, knowing that I'd probably not be able to finish off everything on here. He had a lot of food here. A small smile sat on his lips and he took the bacon, eating it while I ate the last piece of bacon and the rest of the eggs. I could only finish one pancake before I was full, leaving two pancakes left on the plate. Not wanting to be wasteful, I gave him the plate and he gladly finished the last two off. "Thanks for sharing." I said softly, standing up and heading into the kitchen to see what he had to drink.

Not to my surprise Luke got up and followed after me into the kitchen, putting his dishes into his sink while I opened up the big fridge. While I was looking through the fridge, I felt Luke's gaze on me and looked up, seeing that he was leaned against the sink, just watching me. "Is there something specific you're looking for?" He wondered, wandering over to me with a brow raised curiously. "I was wondering if you have orange juice." I said, peering up at him with my head cocked to the side curiously. He smiled and nodded, giving me no chance to move before he was stood right up close to me.

I gasped as I felt his chest brush mine and immediately jerked away, shying out of his way so we weren't so close. He leaned down and searched through some things on the lower shelf, having to dig a little far back before he pulled out a container of orange juice. A smile rose on my lips as I took the juice, setting it on the counter. "Thanks." I grinned, but my smile then faded a second later. "Where are your cups?" I asked, realizing I had no idea where anything was in here. He gestured to the cabinet beside him and I reached up, opening the cabinet, where I managed to get a cup from. I poured myself some orange juice and then put the juice up, chugging about half of the cups contents.

After I finished my juice, I rinsed out my cup and then left it in the sink, turning around. Luke was still stood by the counter, leaned against it with his gaze on me. "Thank you for the food, and the orange juice." I said politely, peering over at him. If I'm being honest, I was still a little weirded out that he hadn't been a dick to me yet. Sure, he teased me, but that wasn't the same as being mean in any way. I kind of liked this.

All of the sudden, Cece came wandering into the kitchen and I saw Cormac perk up from his place on the couch, his blue eyes already following her. He was so in love with her that it was almost sickening.

Her eyes landed on me and she smiled, the front of her gray t-shirt a little wet from her damp hair. It was obvious that she'd just gotten out of the shower. "Hey, Cee." Luke greeted her with a smile, one which she gladly returned. "Hi." She greeted back, waving at him. Like she did every time she saw me, Cecilia came over and wrapped me in a hug, squeezing me tightly. She always said how much she liked to hug me and sleep on me because I was so comfortable, apparently. Xavier had said that before too, actually, though he was a bit more blunt. He'd said, and I quote, "You and your big titties make for a good pillow."

Once Cece broke away from our hug, she went ahead and made her own food, just like Luke had said she would. She returned to the living room with Luke and I and cuddled up with Cormac, who was more than glad to have that opportunity. Luke, on the other hand, didn't look so glad about that. He was continuously taking glances over at them, trying to make sure nothing happened. I honestly hadn't known he was so protective of her.

It was kind of cute. Only kind of.

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