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~Asteria's POV~

I glared at the shower floor as I took a shower on Thursday night, still thinking about what Luke had said to me. That I'll never find another man who will fuck me like him, and he was probably right, but there was absolutely no way in hell I was going to let him know that.

The last couple of days had been spent trying to figure out a way to get back at him, but I kept coming up empty handed. At first I considered actually going and trying to find a guy to bring here, but I immediately shut that option down. There was no way in hell that I was going to be having sex with a complete stranger just to piss Luke off. It just wasn't going to happen. I really wasn't that desperate to prove him wrong. I knew I could and would think of a way.

Sighing to myself, I let my hair be rinsed of the conditioner that I had lathered into the dark strands, closing my eyes while the cool water rinsed my hair clean. I opened my eyes and stared up at the ceiling, trying to think of something. And then, it finally hit me, causing a big grin to break out across my face as I stared at the ceiling. I couldn't believe it had taken me so long to think of this.

Of course...Xavier was the perfect person to piss Luke off with. He was already plenty jealous of him, as he clearly didn't know that Xave was very gay, and Xavier was also not someone I actually had to do anything even remotely sexual with. It was a completely foolproof plan. However, Luke was still not home from work yet. He worked so much. He was always gone early in the mornings and he always ended up coming back very late at night. I was sure, though, that he'd be back within an hour or so, because it was nearing ten O'clock. Cece and Cormac, thank the gods, had gone out about an hour ago to spend some time together. Knowing them, they'd be gone for a while.

Still smiling to myself, I washed my body with my honey scented body wash and then got out to wrap myself in a towel. While I dried off, I hoped that Xave hadn't gone to bed already because I really needed his help with this. He didn't sleep at predictable times. He had always been kind of a wild card when it came to his sleep schedule.

After I was dried, I put on some underwear and a big t-shirt, throwing my dirty clothes in my laundry basket as I left the bathroom. When I glanced at the clock, I saw that it was just past ten PM now, so I left my room and headed to Xavier's room instead. For a second, I listened in through his door, trying to see if there was any noise coming from his room to indicate that he was awake. Right when I was pretty sure he was asleep, I heard a familiar sound from inside his room. It sounded like a low humming, something that Xavier did a lot when he was thinking. He was definitely awake, thank god.

Grinning now, I threw open his bedroom door and it smacked against the wall, causing him to scream in alarm as I came sauntering into his room. "Ria?" He scowled, holding his laptop to his chest. "What the hell?!" He huffed, setting his laptop down in front of him as he sent me a glare for scaring him.

I giggled softly and sent him an apologetic smile, shrugging. "Sorry, Xave. I didn't mean to open the door so roughly, or scare you." I apologized, but he just sent me a look. "Oh, I'm sure you didn't." He said playfully, a big smile growing on his face. "Now, what can I do for you? You obviously must've come here for something." He mentioned curiously, still smiling at me. I pouted and plopped down on his bed, peering at him with hope in my eyes. "So...You know how I told you that Luke's jealous of you?" I reminded, to which he nodded. "Well," I began shyly, blushing slightly. "I sort of need you to help me make him mad." I said.

Xavier frowned, confusion sparkling in his dark brown eyes. "Huh? Why?" He asked, furrowing his brows.

A sigh left me as I explained everything to him, how Luke had said he could have any woman he wanted and that I would never find a man that could fuck me like him. By the time I had finished explained everything, Xavier looked more than happy to help me piss Luke off. Grinning, I clapped my hands and bounced excitedly on his bed, glad that I'd gotten him to agree. "When are we doing this, anyways?" He asked, stopping me from continuing my little celebration. I paused and thought about it, biting my cheek. "Well, probably right—"

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