- 13 - Corona Australis -

13 1 0

Yeah I'm talking about you 

{Changgu's shoulders were crushed against the wall, a firm hand holding him in place. "Don't you dare raise your voice to me, little shit. And I was about to reward you as well." The boy shook slightly, his hair brushing uncomfortably over his eyes.

His father looked down at him, cold eyes burning through Changgu. "Listen to me." Changgu tried to push away from him, he could hear Yanan talking to someone in the corridor. A slap was laid across his face. "Pay attention, Changgu, for God's sake. You're going on a solo mission. Infiltrate another gang base and the blow it up. You'll be given the details later." He was pulled away from the wall and pushed into the corridor. His father slammed the door.

Yanan and Jinho were both staring at him, "What was that about?"

But Jinho was always first, and yet Changgu was being given this mission. "Nothing."

Yanan whined, "Tell us, Changgu."

He shook his head and walked away from them, towards the training room. As fast as his short legs could carry him.}

Wooseok now considered himself to be at least partially, definitely enrolled in the mafia. There was nothing quite like removing blades from your own skin to reassure you of your status. What he certainly didn't consider was that Ixia would now be overseeing his training.

It was silly, really. The mafia continued to change and throw surprises at Wooseok, yet he never anticipated any of them.

"You're our demolitions expert." The younger boy was unsure as to whether this was a question or a statement, so he only inclined his head slightly in response. "Okay. Then show me how to blow stuff up."

Wooseok blinked and tilted his head towards Ixia, "You want me to blow something up?" He paused for a breath, "As in a person or as in a wall?"

The other man studied him carefully, eyes raking across his face, "As in a wall, I don't think you're quite ready to kill in cold blood."

"Okay. Where are the supplies then?"

Ixia huffed out a loud breath, "We don't have any demolitions supplies. That's why we brought you in. Are you stupid?"

Wooseok picked at the skin around the nail on his thumb. "I've never had to make anything before. I've only ever planted them and stuff like that, I mean I could probably try but it would take multiple attempts and I have no idea where to get the materials from."

The older man shook his head slightly, a laugh falling from his lips. "That's probably the most words I've ever heard you say, kid. Don't worry, I'm sure the highers will have some stuff that we can borrow." A glint came into his eyes, "You want to come and steal some stuff with me?" He must have noticed the panicked glaze that came across Wooseok's face, "We're not actually stealing it, don't worry. I don't want my boss to kill me any more than you do."

Wooseok nodded slightly, gently flicking his tongue against his thumb to try and seal the skin to stop it from bleeding. "I have college at three."

Ixia nodded, probably to confirm that he'd heard it. Wooseok had no idea whether or not he would actually be able to go with a response like that. Amibiguity was the bane of his existence. The older man began walking away and signalled for Wooseok to follow him with his head.

Wooseok had odd feelings about Ixia. The man should have been terrifying considering the fact that he was the leader of a mafia group and wanted the younger boy to make a bomb, but somehow he wasn't. Somehow, Wooseok found the older man's presence to be comforting and to provide a feeling of security. It was probably because he'd been around liabilities before.

He dipped his hand into the pocket of his jacket to fiddle with whatever it may contain at that current moment, his fingers grasped only at loose threads. He swallowed slightly, he'd never seen the drugs as a comfort but now that he didn't have them he needed something. He tended to pick at his nails in substitute, his mother would have scolded him for that, but it wasn't as if he had many alternatives.

Ixia stopped dead in front of him, "Change of plans. We don't have much in the way of demolitions but you're just gonna have to work with that. I'm not sure I can really be bothered with the fiasco of getting you into a classified area when you haven't been marked yet." He opened a door, green paint peeling to reveal moulding chipboard underneath, and motioned for Wooseok to enter.

The room looked to be a sad den. The carpet had been ripped off of the floorboards, leaving a haphazard mess of ageing wood behind. The carpet itself was bundled up into a corner, propping up a bookcase that was overflowing with computer components. A large map was tacked up on the wall, red pins pushed into a seemingly random selection of locations. Oil drums were stacked in the middle of the small space; there was hardly any room to get around them.

"It's a little worse for wear, isn't it? Everything we have that can help you." He gestured to the bookshelf. "I'll leave you to it, come find me when you're done." Wooseok still had very little idea how he was actually supposed to make a bomb, let alone using technical equipment. He also had no idea had to navigate the house but he'd hit that hurdle when he came to it.

The boy perched himself on the edge of one of the oils drums, the lip digging into the heels of his hands. He scanned his eyes across the shelves quickly, hoping to find some source of inspiration. He didn't think that he'd ever felt this hopeless before.

He barely even recognised what the individual parts were, let alone what they would do if he tried to wire them up to one another. He didn't want to blow himself up, that went against most of his moral principles.

A tangled bunch of cables fell from the top shelf, the red and black merging into a blur of brown as they hit the ground. Crocodile clips fell from the end of one wire, it reminded Wooseok of being six years old in a science lesson. Red wires were always the live ones in any bombs that he'd handled; they were the ones that you had to cut without moving if you wanted to neutralise the explosive. Unfortunately, Wooseok wasn't quite sure how he would go about making the wire do all of that.

He ran his fingers across the soldered bottom of a motherboard before lifting himself off of the oil drum and onto the floor.

The door creaked open behind him.

"I don't know how to do this." He mumbled, dragging his fingers through the mess of cables.

"Then why did we hire you?" Ixia's voice filled the room in a way that made Wooseok feel especially weak.

"I didn't ask for you to hire me."

"And yet here we are."

An uncomfortable silence filled the room and weighed on the air.

"Go to college, Wooseok, god knows you need normality." 

A/N - So this is like a month late... please don't kill me. The first section is truly horrendous but I've rewritten this so many times that I no longer no how to fix this so have the crumbs of my soul instead.

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