Chapter 2.

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The smooth gray walls of his bunk were bare, and on his small desk lay an abundant mountain of medical books, stacked precariously high. Atlas, as much as he toyed with Josephine Cohen, acknowledged her intelligence and did not envy her position. The last few weeks left them both aged and weary. He knew he was not easy on her, she didn't deserve any slack. Yet, without her ingenuity and problem solving skills, this bunker would be worse off than it is now. As a result of their tireless work every morning he found a new gray hair which he would pluck from his head. The bags under his eyes have become darker by the day and his skin becoming more pallid. When he became a doctor, he never knew this would be his future. 

A small alarm blared from his small shelf above his bed. Back to the medical corridor, Atlas thought with a groan. He needed to check his patients before leaving in the morning and make sure his staff was well prepared for his soon-to-be absence, or ultimately, his untimely death. Someone needed to know what to do.

"Morning handsome," a sultry voice spoke softly from his open door. Her curvaceous figure heightened by the narrow frame.

"Mornin' Ada, I didn't hear you enter. Thought you were too busy for me today, " Atlas strode towards the woman, tipping her chin upward before placing a soft kiss on her lips. She wrapped her arms around his waist, deepening the kiss. She ran her tongue across his lips, seeking entrance to only be denied when Atlas pulled away, slightly breathless. Her eyes scanned him, dissatisfaction flashing across her face. 

"Not today, Ada." He shook his head as the brunette pouted. He was always amazed how Ada came back to him, even after the fights they had. Deep down, she was a kind person. As much as he wanted to spend time with her, he wasn't going to set her up for heartbreak. No strings attached meant not no emotions. 

"If not now, then when?  You never want to see me anymore... And you missed our last session." Her voice dripping with venom. Ada closed the space between them, tightly digging her nails into his arm.  Atlas shot a look at the woman below him.

"Let go of me, Ada. No means no. I have too much to do." Suddenly a small beep resounded from his watch's radiation alarm on his night stand. The beeping was picking up in frequency as each second passed.

"Oh God." The words slipped past Ada's lips as her skin lost all  color.

"This is a 4206. Repeat this is a 4206. Please return to your bunks and pressurize your rooms."  The announcement sounded robotic as it boomed out of the PA system. Radiation leak. God dammit, this is the third in two months. Atlas reached for his white coat, and watch before locking Ada in his room and pressurizing the air, quickly rushing to apologize as the door closed. Her angry protest muffled by the metal door. Atlas made a mad dash for the medical corridor, his sick the most vulnerable to leaks. The beeping on his watch increased frequency and volume the closer he got to the sick bay.

Men in full protective suits blocked his path to the medical bay. "Out of my way! I am a doctor!" But the men wouldn't move. Their suits an ungodly shade of yellow with the radiation symbol painted in black on their chests. There are only four of them, but from their size and stature, these were not new recruits. Atlas felt helpless and kicked himself for forgetting his  radiation suit.

"Dr. Berkley, do not come any closer. There was a leak in the air ducts close to the medical bay. No one is allowed to enter or leave this area." A guard stated. His voice was distorted by the mouth piece in his suit.

"My patients need me! Move! Now!" Atlas screamed at the guard. The longer his patients went unaided, the worse the radiation sickness would be. Could be deadly to some. "My colleagues need me!" He kept pushing. But men did not budge.

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