The Zoo

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Quick note the main character is very tall. I'm a very tall person myself and I personally don't like how in almost every fanfiction the main protagonist is always shorter than the love interest. Also, I'm going to be using gender-neutral pronouns so everyone can enjoy this story but they do present differently for different situations. If you would prefer this story to be in the third person, please comment. I'm just getting started with publishing my writing and any creative criticism is greatly appreciated.   -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

~(Y/N)'s POV {Presenting androgynous}~

In the brisk of morning light, I walked to the very bland brown house in the very bland street in the very bland town with a very surprising secret. I'd been sent to watch over a boy in the house and keep the boy alive and in contact. Knowing that something was about to go wrong I had a bag hanging from my shoulder hitting my hip as I walked. As I get to the house I knock on the door three times only loud enough for it to be heard in the next room over. I re-adjusted my skirt so it was flat and didn't have any wrinkles.  A woman opened the door and her eyes faltered for a second obviously expecting someone before lighting up again.

"Aww if it isn't my favourite of Dudley's friends and classmates." I forgot that Ms Dursley thinks I hang out with him.

"Hello, how are my Miss Dursley?" I smile and a very small aww can be heard from her. It's very easy to tell that she would marry me off to that rat of a son she's so proud of if she had the chance.

"Oh (Y/N), I've told you before please call me Petunia." She gave me a smile before continuing. "You must be here to say happy birthday to Dudley. Come in sweetheart he will just love to see you." She moved to the side of the door and I thanked her before walking in and hearing the screeching voice Dudley complaining about the lack of presents and Harry.

'Glad I brought my bag' was my only thought before walking into the kitchen where he was complaining and pretending to cry. I open my bag and reach my arm into it grabbing an old polaroid camera and film I had never used but always carry with me. Throwing the present under my arm I walk up to Dudley and tap his shoulder. He spins around almost hitting me but I duck before his arm can make contact.

"Watch where you're swinging those things, you could cause some serious damage." I stood up again and put the two presents on the table with the others. "Happy Birthday Dudley! Sorry I couldn't wrap them for you." I smiled turning back to him. He blushed slightly but I made no note of it. I took a quick look at Harry who looked content with his food and relived the tantrum had stopped. "Anyways that's all I visited for so I best be off." I started walking to the door when Petunia blocked my way.

"How would you like to go to the Zoo with us for Dudley's party? You're already here and we have room in the car." She obviously wanted me to go and I could tell she would try conning me anyways.

"Really, If I won't be a bother I would love to come." I smile and she moves before a knock is heard at the door. She runs to get it and I walk over and sit next to Harry.

"Hey (Y/N)," Harry spoke.

"Hi, Harry. How've you been?" I smile and watch Harry eat a bit of bacon before he replies.

"I live with the Dursley's, how good can I be." He whispers and I laugh a little. We watch as Piers and Dudley walk into the room both glaring at Harry before looking at me and both blushing.

The landline in the other room rang and Petunia went to answer it. Peirce and Dudley walked over to me. "Hey, (Y/N). I didn't know a beauty like you would be here." I giggled as Peirce said this although I would've loved to punch him in his fat piglike face. Petunia walked back into the room horrified and pulled Vernon into the hallway. They weren't quite in the slightest so we all heard what was being said.

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