I hate feeling this way. Suicudal. I don't understand. Does every teenager go through this? Why am i so weak? Is life really that hard for me? Do people acctually even care? Why is my self-esteem so low? I feel ugly and stupid and i just feel like everyones my friend because im the girl that cuts her-self. I feel stupid when i say something that i should've just known what the response was going to be. I feel like everyone just feels embarassed for me. I hate the way i look. I feel like the ugliest person anyone could've ever seen. I hate my scars, all of them! Even the ones I made. They make me feel small. They make me feel like i'm worth less than a penny. I can't seem to understand why cutting myself is an outlet. I can't see in myself, what other people see in me. I know im not the best looking person. I know im not the smartest or the nicest person. But i'm trying.
I know i'm suicidal.