Chapter 2

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The following morning I took a quick shower at got dressed in the bathroom, leaving the boy in my room. As I was getting dressed I noticed his stained up clothes in a pile beside the tub, grabbing them as I left the bathroom. "Hey I think I can get the stains out of these, do you want me to try?" I asked looking up to see he was watching me from the bed, he nodded his head yes. "Okay I'm going to leave for a bit, I've got to go get you some more clothes and some toiletries. I'll have to dip into my savings, but hundred bucks should cover it." I shrugged thinking the last bit aloud, glancing over I noticed a shocked look on his face. "Hey are you going to be okay in here while I'm gone? Do you want like a book to read, or I could put on some music." I suggested felling bad he had to be stuck in here. "Mm-mu-music." He grunted out nodding his head yes. "Okay is Metallica good?" I asked setting up my tablet to play a huge Metallica playlist, smiling when he nodded his head yes. "Alright I'll be back in a little while, we're the only ones here right now but I'm going to lock the bedroom door. Try not to make to much noise in case someone comes home for whatever reason. Oh do you need anything like food or water?" I asked grabbing my keys and wallet. Frowning a little when he shook his head no. "Okay well if you ever get hungry or thirsty let me know." He nodded his head yes making me smile. "I'll be back later." I called out to him walking out of the room.

--Patrick's pov--

I listened for the click of the door as she left, the urge to rummage around her room almost becoming unbearable. But I waited until I heard the front door close and a car start, standing up from the bed when it drove away. First I went to the closet and rummaged around a bit, finding nothing interesting. Looking along her bookshelf I noticed a few books about the dead, and books on becoming a mortician. Looking towards the dresser I realized that skulls didn't just decorate it alone, but the entire room was scattered with skulls. A few real animal skulls sat at the very top of her bookshelf even. I then walked over to the device playing music, wondering what the hell it was. Poking at it I was shocked when it skipped a few songs, deciding it was probably best to leave it alone I moved on.

--An hour or so later--

--(Y/n)'s pov--

"Okay so I got--." I cut myself off as I walked into the room to find the boy in my underwear drawer. He whipped around a pair of my black lace panties in his hands. "Really." I scolded tossing the bags on the ground beside be, pushing the door closed behind me with my foot. "Am I going to have to lock those up?" I asked crossing my arms. He shook his head no looking down at the ground. "Alright give them here." I sighed walking up to him, he hesitated for a moment. "Those are my favorite pair buddy, so hand them over." I arched a brow waiting for him to listen, looking up at me with what I could only assume was supposed to be a frown he handed them over. "Look I don't care if you look around, just stay out of my damn underwear drawer okay." I sighed partly feeling bad. He nodded his head yes a what seemed to be nervous laugh coming out of his mouth. "Come see what I got you." I smiled walking over to grab the bags, having tossed my underwear aside. "I just went with the size I got off of your cloths in the washer, so they should fit no problem." I informed him as I dumped the bags out onto my bed, smiling to myself as he rummaged through the clothes. "Oh and I got you some body wash and shampoo, men's." I chuckled holding up one of the bottles, he nodded his head yes seeming to be very pleased with what all I got. "I'm gonna go put these away, and then I'm going to work on making room in the closet for your clothes." I smiled at him walking off to the bathroom.

"That can go there and this can go here." I hummed to myself organizing his stuff in the shower. "Wicked." I smiled before turning to come face to face with the boy. "Oh fuck!" I gasped out laughing a moment later. "Man don't sneak up on me like that." I laughed placing a hand over my heart. He made an odd clicking sound then pulled me into a hug. "Oh." I was taken by surprise, but was happy to hug him back. "T-thh-tha-" I cut him off. "You're welcome." He clicked in a happy sounding way.

"Right now, that should be plenty of room." I nodded to myself having cleaned out half of my closet. And I was startled yet again when I turned to grab some of the clothes off of the bed, only to come face to face with him holding most of them in his arms. "What did I say about sneaking up on me!" I gasped out with a short laugh, glaring at him when he started making a laughing sound. "Oh you shush." I smiled rolling my eyes taking a shirt to hang.

"Hey you know what I just realized, I never told you my name." I frowned a little mentally face-palming. "Well my names (Y/n)." I added a moment later hanging the last of the clothes up. "And you are zombie boy." I smirked a little turning back towards him with a laugh, he simply grunted at me looking away. "Hey is it just me or is your eye less hazy?" I wondered aloud moving to look a little closer. "No its definitely less hazy." I stated looking into his almost empty eye socket. "Huh?" I mumbled noticing that the flesh in his eye socket looked rather fresh. "Is your eye growing back?" I asked looking back into his eye, but he just shrugged at my question. "Hold on let me get my camera, I want to get pictures of you so we can see if there are anymore changes later." I walked over to my bookshelf grabbing my camera from its place near the top. "Is that okay?" I asked walking up to him, smiling when he nodded his head yes.

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