Chapter 4

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Rubbing my eyes I huffed not wanting to wake up just yet. "Morning (Y/n)." Patrick mumbled brushing a stand of hair out of my face. "Holy shit!" I gasped falling out of my bed, shocked to see Patrick practically fully healed. "Oh my god!" I quickly jumped up to my feet, hopping back on the bed on my knees. "Your healed." I gasped out astounded, a smile plastered on my face. "Almost." He smiled up at me, turning to show me a few of the wounds on his stomach and back. "(Y/n) are you okay?" My mom called knocking on my door. "I'm fine mom, I just fell." I hollered back subconsciously resting my hand on Patrick's shoulder. "Okay." She chuckled walking away. "What happened?" I asked turning my attention back to Patrick. "I'm not sure. I took a shower last night, and the rotten skin just kinda washed away." I frowned the thought grossing me out a little. "I wanted to wake you and show you, but you looked so peaceful." He chuckled with a shrug, his words making me blush a little. "Well you look good." I mumbled trying not to stare at his handsome face. "Yeah?" I could practically hear the smirk. "Oh shut up." I laughed climbing off of the bed, my words making him laugh.

"Come on my family's gone now." I ushered Patrick to follow me downstairs. "I imagine being cooped up in my room all the time is getting pretty old." I chuckled walking into the kitchen to get us both drinks. "Yeah but its not so bad, at least when your there." He smiled at me hopping up to sit on the counter. "Oh smooth." I chuckled handing him his glass of juice. "Hey I forgot my phon-" My mom walked into the kitchen her keys in hand, cutting herself of at the sight of Patrick, who looked just as shocked as her. "Who's this?" She asked after a moment or so, looking to me. "Uh this is Patrick... My boyfriend." I lied moving to stand between his legs, rubbing his knee in a loving way, while also hiding his wounds. "Oh I didn't know you had a boyfriend." She frowned in thought. "Yeah we just started dating a little while ago." I hummed hoping like hell Patrick would just roll with it. "Well its nice meeting you Patrick." My mom smiled picking up her phone, which she had left on the table. "It was nice meeting you to." He smiled wrapping his arms around my shoulders, playing along. "Well I better get going." She chuckled moving to leave us be. "Oh hey mom is it alright if Patrick stays here for a little while, things have been a little rocky at his place." I lied hoping to give him a little more freedom. "Well you are an adult (Y/n)." My mom smiled her words making me shrug, as I stepped away from Patrick a little, still shielding his wounds from my mothers sight. "But I live under your roof, it's only right that I ask." Walking over to me she gave me a quick hug. "Thank you sweetie, and yes Patrick is more than welcome to stay here." I smiled pecking my mothers cheek. "Thanks mom." I hollered as she left the house waving goodbye.

"Well that went well." I sighed with a small laugh. "Sure did babe." Patrick smirked sipping his drink, making me roll my eyes. "You only have to do that when my family's around you know." I grabbed my own glass walking for the living-room. "Nah." Patrick smiled shaking his head, following after me.  "Really?" I sighed faking annoyance. "Oh yeah." He laughed kissing my forehead, making me blush. "Ugh go get dressed, we're leaving." I groaned pushing him away, making him chuckle again. "Where are we going?" He asked walking backwards towards the stairs. "Out." I laughed sitting down on the couch.

--A hour or so later--

"Man I haven't been here in a long time." Patrick sighed looking out at the view. "I love it here, no one ever comes up here because you can't jump into the water from here." I smiled looking down at the water. "We always did." Patrick laughed rolling his eyes at the warning sign. "You never told me when you died." I sat down on a fallen log, Patrick sitting beside me a moment later. "It was in 89." He sighed tossing a rock off the cliff. "How old were you?" I fiddled with my ring. "Seventeen." I nodded. "So your just picking up where you left off?" I looked over at him, watching as he tossed another rock. "I mean kinda... I don't want to be who I was then... I want to start over, I want to stay with you." He kicked up some dirt, unable to look at me. "Will you tell me about the kinda guy you were?" I asked tossing a rock of my own. "I don't wanna scare you away..." He looked at me frowning. "Not even a week ago you were just a walking corpse... I'm not gonna run from you, were in this together now." I smiled squeezing his hand reassuringly. "I killed small animals, and kept them in a fridge at the junkyard." He kept a hold of my hand but was looking away from me. "I bullied kids." He sighed closing his eyes. "And I killed my little brother Avery, because I was jealous of him getting all of my parents attention." I frowned with a small sigh. "Do you regret it?" I asked after a minute of silence. "I do now." He mumbled after a few quiet moments, I squeezed his hand again. "That's good." He looked back at me, his eyes glossy. "You don't hate me?" He asked taking my hand in both of his. "No... The past is the past, and we've all done things we regret. Maybe not as extreme as yours, but I believe if they are willing to change, everyone deserves a second chance." A single fat tear rolled down his cheek, as he let the breath he was holding. "I wish I could have met you sooner, maybe I wouldn't have been so fucked up." He pulled me into a hug, hiding his face in my neck. "I'm just happy to be here." I chuckled trying to lighten the mood. "Me too." Patrick mumbled into my neck, pulling back a moment later with a smile on his face. "Lets go for a swim." He pulled me to my feet, removing his shirt a second later. "You mean jump?" I asked nervously. "Yeah... You'll be fine I promise." He smiled kicking off his boots. "If I die, I'll kill you." I laughed glaring at him playfully as I removed my shirt. "You worry to much." He smirked watching me shimmy out of my pants, making me laugh rolling my eyes. "Take my hand." Patrick hummed offering me his hand, as we stand at the cliffs edge in nothing but our underwear. "I'm trusting you." I swallowed thickly, looking down at the water. "Good." He laughed pulling me with him as he jumped.

"Holy fuck the waters freezing!" I gasped the cold water shocking my system. "Come here I'll keep you warm." Patrick smirked tugging me into his welcoming arms. "Bite me." I mumbled leaning into his touch. "Don't tempt me." He chuckled resting his chin on my shoulder. We stayed like that for what felt like forever, talking about this and that. He told me a few funny story's about him and his friends, and I told him about the changes hes missed out on. Laughing care free for quite some time, just enjoying each others company. "Hey I still have the keys to Belches car, and its still in great condition." Patrick added off hand as we walked up the dirt path, to the cliff to grab our cloths. "The trans am you mentioned?" I asked recalling him mention that his buddy Belch had a trans am. "Yeah her names Amy." He smiled picking up his jeans, as we reached the top of the cliff. "Where is the car?" I asked pulling on my shirt. "I parked it in a secluded part of the woods, by an old shack me and the guys used to get drunk in." He laughed pulling on his boots. "Should we take it?" I asked buttoning up my pants. "I don't see why not." He shrugged. "Well lets go get it then." I chuckled eager to see the car, taking ahold of Patrick's hand he had offered with a smile.

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