Chapter 3

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--A few days later--

"If you were dead before, then why the hell are your wounds healing?" I asked looking into his healed second eye in disbelief. "The monster that did this to me is dead." He mumbled with a little less issue than before, due to his lips growing back. "Yeah you've said that before, but that doesn't make sense. Wouldn't you have just died again?" I sat across from him trying to wrap my brain around this madness, but the boy simply shrugged. "I mean on the plus side you're healing pretty rapidly, so you should theoretically be all healed up within the next two weeks." I shrugged tilting his head to the side, looking him over further. "Maybe it's a second chance." He mumbled looking down at his hands the moment I released him. "A second chance, what do you mean?" I looked down at his hands as he fiddled with them. "I wasn't... I wasn't a very good person when I was alive, I did a lot of horrible things... Maybe this is a chance for me to change that." He was nervous so I placed a gentle hand on his shoulder. "Maybe you're right... The real question is, are you willing to change?" He looked up at me finally. "Yes." He nodded his head. "Then i'd say you deserve a second chance." I smiled while he made a happy clicking sound. "How long do you think you'll be able to do that?" I laughed a little referring to his clicking. "Forever, I don't want it to stop." He clicked again making me giggle. "One can only hope." I hummed standing up from the bed. "Hey (Y/n)?" He stood with me. "Whats up?" I tilted my head a little. "Well I just wanted... Could I get some water, my throat is really dry." He rubbed the back of his neck. "Of course." I quickly grabbed him a bottle of water, popping the cap for him. "This is a good sign, are you feeling hungry at all?" He drank half of the water as I spoke, a bit of it spilling from the sides of his mouth. "Not yet." He shook his head before finishing off the bottle. "Well don't make yourself sick." I laughed as he burped with a satisfied look on his face. "Ugh dead guy burps are the worst." I joked waving my hand to clear the air. Tossing the bottle into my trash can he walked over to me, and rested his forehead on my shoulder. "Thanks." He mumbled. "Well it was just a water." I snickered as he straightened his back. "That's not what I was talking about." He huffed clicking at me. "I know... You're welcome." I smiled trying to click back at him, my failed attempt making him laugh.

"Why do you insist on this?" He asked as I examined him to the best of my ability's. "You're scientifically fascinating, I mean you defy the laws of everything about the dead." I hummed moving him to hold both arms out at his sides. "You're one of those people." He laughed softly. "I am not... You'd have to be stupid to not find you fascinating." I explained now looking into his once missing eye. "I find you fascinating too." He took a hold of my left hand. "Hardly." I retorted looking over the scare tissue exposed on his face, while he toyed with my hand. "You aren't scared of me... You were at first, but you got over your fear just minuets later." He mumbled messing with my ring. "I like the dead, and since you showed no intentions of harming me I got over my initial fear." I shrugged plucking a stray hair off of the collar of his Tom shirt. "People were always scared of me when I was alive, before this." He looked up at me from his seated position. "Well you've given me no reason to fear you." I took his half decayed face in my hands. "This is your second chance, remember that zombie boy." I smiled warmly down at him. "Patrick." He mumbled looking into my eyes. "What?" I frowned confused. "My names Patrick." He placed his hands over mine. "That's a nice name." I smiled brushing a thumb across his cheek. "(Y/n) I need to tell you something. I-" I placed a hand over his mouth, cutting him off. "My family's home." I mumbled just as the front door slammed shut. Patrick nodded knowing we couldn't really talk when they were home, in fear of someone hearing him. "I'll be back in a bit." I whispered before leaving my room, locking the door behind me.

"Hey I weaseled extra food." I whisper shouted as I closed the door behind me, Patrick standing from my desk to offer an extra hand. "Thanks." I smiled turning to lock the door. "Why so much food?" He whispered at me setting up our food at my desk. "Well I know you said you weren't hungry, but I thought you should try eating anyways." I walked over turning on some music so we didn't have to whisper. "Whats yours?" He asked looking over everything. "We're sharing all of it, take whatever you want." I smiled pulling over my second chair. "Are you sure?" He fiddled with his water bottle. "I'm sure." I smiled taking a quick bite of the closest thing.

"You were hungry." I laughed quietly into my hand, while Patrick topped of the last of the food burping a moment later. He sat back in his chair grunting at me in acknowledgement, making me laugh a little harder. "You happy now?" I asked trying to contain my giggles. "Yes." He sighed placing a hand on his stomach, closing his eyes for a moment. "I think you've stretched out your Tom shirt." I joked lightly poking his belly, making him laugh a little. "You know I'm surprised you were able to get the stains out of this thing." Patrick tugged at his shirt a little. "I kinda was to, I mean I know you were dead and all. But where were you in a sewer?" He looked to the ground surprising me. "No way really?" I frowned. "It's where I died, and it's where that thing lived." He mumbled looking to me. "Gross... What the hell were you doing in the sewer?" He looked away again. "I'm sorry you don't have to tell me. I just-" He stood up abruptly, making me cut myself off. "I was chasing after a kid named Ben, me and my friends were bulling him. He got away from us, and I went looking for him in the sewer." He looked down at me. "Oh... What happened to your friends?" I tilted my head a little. "The leader of our so called gang killed his old man and the rest of my friends, a few weeks later. He was sent to the lonely bin, and hes dead now." He looked to the ground a sadness washing over us both. "Jesus." I breathed out quietly. "I'm sorry Patrick." I mumbled looking back up to him. "Me too." He walked away locking himself in the bathroom, turning the shower on a few minutes later.

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