Found Ya~

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As you and the other's were running,you heard something being being dragged across the and others bolted into the room, the only one who stayed outside was Felix.. Willow yell-whispered at him "Felix!GET IN THE ROOM!"Felix rolled his eyes at Willow,entered the room and hid in the closet, meanwhile you hid in a cabinet..the door could be heard opening..footstep's were heard walking around the room..someone could be heard humming..after a few minute's..there was no sound the killer left the were about to exit the cabinet, only to be grabbed by the throat, by icy hands..The killer known as Vincent had a smirk plastered on his face "Hello~" he took out a knife and shoved it into your arm..he put his finger to his lips "Shhhh~" Tears began to fall as the pain began to get worse.."Please..l-let me go.."another figure entered the room.. "I can't believe you actually caught'm kinda surprised but at the same time..not really.." Vincent had a grin plastered on his face "Hmm~ now what should I do?~ I Could torture you and bring you to Dj..or.. I could kill you now~" you grabbed at the man's hands as The the air from your lungs began to leave.."Please.."the killer smiled "You.. Can't~" the bunny from before entered the room "Hush now~" she grabbed your arm and injected you with a syringe filled with a clear began to feel dizzy, after a few minutes you passed only heard the voice "Vincent you drag him/Her" the man known as Vincent growled "Fine.." you felt someone pick you up and drag you..after what seemed like a few woke were back where you a chair..where you felt like eyes we're all staring at you..

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