Chapter 2

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  As Jane walked to her brother's house, she couldn't stop admiring the ring on her finger. She didn't care that there was no diamond on it or that it wasn't the most expensive one on the market; it was a symbol that the man she loved was about to be hers forever. For a moment she looked up and saw him putting out a street lamp by Michael's house, whistling a tune she seemed to always see him vocalizing in some form or another.

  "Hi, Jack," she called. She saw him lose his balance in shock and hit the ground in the blink of an eye. However, the sight was an odd one. He didn't seem to fall, just land on the ground at the same moment he fell off the ladder. She didn't dwell on this for more than a few seconds. She immediately ran over to him as he sat up.

  "Oh my goodness, I am so sorry. Are you alright? Did it hurt?" She was frantic trying to look for any wounds on him.

  "Jane, I'm fine. This happens all the time. A little fall isn't going to hurt me too much." He chuckled a bit as he got up. "Thank you for the concern, though." Just to assure her that he was alright he gave her a peck on the cheek, making both of them blush.

  "So, I'm guessing you're here to tell Michael the news?" he assumed.

  "Of course. Why wouldn't I want to brag about having the best fiance in the world?"


  Michael was still making the kids breakfast and himself some coffee when he heard a knock on the door. The pattern was unmistakably Jane's.

  "I'll get it for you, father," Annabel offered, already out of her seat.

  "Thank you, dear," he called back to her.

  Not long after Michael served her brothers, Annabel walked in with Jane and Jack following behind.

  "Good morning Michael," Jane greeted. Jack nervously nodded his head to signal the same greeting.

  "Now what brings you two here so early?" Michael asked, leading the group to the living room so the conversation could be more between the adults.

  "Well, we have some big news, right Jack?" Jane had a gigantic smile and a new kind of light in her eyes. He loved seeing his sister like this, filled with this unfiltered happiness.

  "Yeah," Jack responded. Michael thought he was the only one who could see how nervous Jack was. He didn't want to point it out though.

  "Well, what is it?" he asked.

  Jane held out her hand and showed off a frankly plain but still beautiful silver ring. "Jack proposed last night! Isn't that wonderful?" She sounded like a giddy child.

  "Oh my God. Congratulations you two!" Michael brought his sister into a warm embrace. He noticed Jack become less tense. He went to hug him as well. "Welcome to the family."


From the kitchen, all three children could hear the adults and their talk of marriage and wedding plans.

"So, Jack's gonna be our uncle now?" Georgie asked, excited.

"I sure hope so! I'm sure he's going to be a great one." Annabel was definitely the most excited about this news. She already saw Jack as a parental figure so having him in the family was definitely good news.

"You don't know that. What if he isn't?" John questioned, trying to sound indifferent but still seeming displeased.

"John we know you don't much care for him, but give him a chance." Annabel could never understand John's distaste for their soon-to-be uncle. He had never done anything to harm even a fly so it made little sense.

"There's just something off about him, like he's hiding something. Sometimes I don't know if I can trust a word he says."

"Alright, now that's just ridiculous." Annabel countered. Georgie was too focused on his cereal to care about the argument taking place between his siblings.

"No, it's being careful. I'll try to be nice around him because Aunt Jane's happy, but I don't think I can trust him too much."

"I know you can't change your mind, but I want you to try to get a better relationship with him, okay?"

John sighed heavily. "Fine, I'll try."

As if on cue, Michael, Jane, and Jack walked back into the kitchen.

"We have something to tell you all," Michael announced, happier than they'd seen him in a while.

"We heard it all," John said, clearly forcing a slight smile. The adults didn't seem to notice.

Annabel ran to Jack and hugged him tightly. "I'm so excited to have you as an uncle!"

He smiled at the sentiment. "And I'm happy to be one!"

After the exchange, she turned back to John and desperately hoped her new uncle wouldn't notice his distaste.

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