Chapter 1

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Yo Partner!


First day of senior year! Just this one last year and I would be done with this torture of a high school for good. I thought to myself. I wasn't ever fond of this place anyway and the people here annoyed me to no extents. The main reason being that I was forced to settle abroad when I didn't want to, almost ten years ago. I remember the eight year old bawling her eyes out because she didn't want to leave her house, her garden and her best friend. But here I was, ten years later, having nothing of that. It had been three years in Riverfront but I hated this place with all my heart. I hated the people here. I hated people in general though so it was not that deep. I had just one friend with whom I sat during lunch breaks and talked to quite often, Ishika. She was a cute Indian girl and I loved that she genuinely cared for me despite my being a snobby brat. She scolded me always when I did something stupid and I found it cute. It felt nice to be cared for. For once.

I turned to the other side to see which stop was this and the story in front of my eyes was horrible. The scariest horror movies were nothing in front of this. This girl sitting right in front of my seat on the school bus was practically down her boyfriend's throat and I just wanted to throw up all over them.

Just then, the bus stopped at its last stop and entered the BBH squad. The baddest boys of the high school. The worst of the devils. The cockiest people alive on earth. You wouldn't want to be in their bad books. They looked dangerous when in mood otherwise just a bunch of losers laughing every single second of their lives. I wondered what kind of life would that be. Didn't their cheeks hurt from all those smiles and laughter? But one thing that remained besides my hate for them was all four of them were devlishly handsome.

Steve Philips, the eldest. Gorgeous blue oceans. Sharp jawline and ridiculously handsome face covered with the chocolate brown bangs till the forehead with a well sculpted lean figure and a trademark black leather jacket. He screamed danger but once you saw his dimpled smile, you would never want him to stop.

Next came Zackariya Khan aka Zack. My worst enemy. The wannabe American. He always hid the fact that he was an Asian. His face and accent helped him in that case. He didn't look much like that. I don't know how that was supposed to be embarrassing but nevermind. I ain't even interested. He was my neighbour but ironically, he was never at his home. My mom hated his mom because she had this inferiority complex of being Asian and always passed snarky remarks at us. It was a rivalry that had been going on for more than a decade. But the funny thing was that our fathers were the best of friends. I didn't know how that was possible. I bet they always laughed at their wives and kids. Anyway, back to the original topic. So these guys practically lived together because the bus driver always picked them up from here. I didn't know whose apartment was that but yeah it was that. Zack was the tallest among them with sharp features. A light stubble graced his well defined cheek bones. Honey brown eyes, long lashes, chiseled jaw, full pink lips... okay let's stop. I hated his guts but life was funny for I had to deal with him the most.

Then there was Vivaan Malhotra. He was a typical Asian. He was the shy and quiet one. I never heard him speaking but he was always hanging out with them. He didn't look like a bad boy at all. Infact, he was very well mannered and reserved. I wondered how he got into that disgusting group.

And finally the baby of that group, Tom Harvey. Sparkling grey eyes and the cutest smile you would have ever seen. I personally found him cute and his tantrums and jokes kept their group alive.

So that was it. The BBH squad. In case you're wondering what is BBH, let me make it simple for you. BBH meant Bros Before Hoes! Like seriously, who would want to name their group this?
That was some pact this bunch of losers had with each other that no matter what happened, they won't allow any girl to create a rift between them. Despite all my hate for them, I hated to admit that I really really admired their bond. They always had each other's backs and it was just a wishful thinking to have that kind of bond with someone.

But well, who cared about these stupid boys and anything else. I just wanted to get out of this place as soon as possible. I was least interested in them and turned my head to the other side looking out of the glass window.

"How's my lil' baby cupcake today?" I heard the ever so familiar voice as he walked past me to the rear seat. The seat was always reserved for these four.

"Fuck off!" I muttered loud enough for him to hear and continued to stare out of the window.

"Aww, kitten got a scolding from mama early in the morning today tch tch." He was trying to trigger me but it wasn't that easy. It never had been and I guess that annoyed him the most because he could never get a reaction out of me. Good for him. I smirked. I was least bothered about his comments and ignored him royally as if he was invisible or didn't exist at all.

The bus came to a halt and I went to my locker. I met Ishika and greeted her. We had three classes together and first one today was Chemistry so I bid her bye and grabbed my stuff and went to room no. twenty one. Zack was eyeing the seat next to me. He smirked and I smirked to myself. I quickly grabbed the wrist of whoever was standing next to me and pulled him down. He grinned and winking at me, jumped over his table and settled behind me. He leaned forward and whispered in my ear. "I am not that easy, sugar. Keep trying."

The professor entered then and we sat still. "Morning class. I've sorted out your lab partners and the very first project. No tantrums. No change of partners. If you want to graduate, you'll have to work. That's all. Grab your chits and cross match."

I picked up my number. It was 16. I searched all around but couldn't find. and then the crowd dispersed to reveal my impending doom. Zackariya Khan practically slouching on his chair, his hands behind his head, smirking at me in the deadliest possible way. My horror knew no bounds and that cheapster just blew a bubble out of his mouth.

"Yo partner. " He winked at me and I knew the worst year of my highschool had started. So much for wanting to leave!


So? Just the beginning. I have forgotten how to write. Seriously.

Teri Meri Chemistry. 📚 ✔Where stories live. Discover now