Chapter 6

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Rain, Rain Go Away!

It was a regular tuesday. The day went by pretty smoothly and before I knew it was the last class for today and I kind of liked it because it was interesting. Learning about different environments and habitats was great. It made me learn that there were atleast a billion other things to see besides my boring life. The teacher entered and asked us all to reach the ground in five minutes. Thankfully Ishika was with me in this one apart from the one loser who was always mingling around me so we both grabbed our stuff and went there.

The teacher briefed about how we were going to learn about frogs today and eww! I hated frogs - like so so much.

"Any volunteers to catch some frogs?" She asked.

No one raised their hands except one. Who else could it be? The stud, ofcourse.

"Alright Zackariya! Go ahead. Take the net and catch atleast three. We'll then distinguish between male and female."

It felt weird to hear his full name. He had a unique name and it sounded beautiful too but he never liked it solely for the reason that it revealed his Asian descent. Why was this guy so fake? Own your identity like a man. I was a proud brown girl. An Asian. I faced racist comments everyday but never tried to hide my true identity. I was who I was. Zack had the advantage of being fair-skinned so a very few people knew that he was an Asian. He was basically a coconut inside out. Brown in reality but pretending to be white.

Anyway, back to the topic. He grabbed the net and some helpers were there. In about 15 minutes, he caught two. He went to the teacher and handed them over and stood next to me, his gloved hands in his pocket. I heard some shuffling and weird sounds. I looked at him weirdly as he slowly pulled out his hands along with a baby frog and I died. I screamed so loudly that everybody got worried. I ran away as the frog tried to jump at me. I ran as if a wild dog was running behind me. Zack kept laughing and following me with that frog in the entire ground.

"Get the fuck out of here with that disgusting creature."

"Nope. You have to see it. It's the cutest thing ever." He continued to run after me.

"Asshole!" I shouted. I was out of breath now and so I paused near a tree, catching my breath.

"Don't come near me. I am warning you."

He grinned and kept coming closer.

"Zack, I swear I will punch you in the face. Get away, dumbass!"

He pretended as if he was deaf.

"Zackkkk!" I whined.

"Just one time." He spoke as he came near me and I closed my eyes.

"Faara, say Hi to my new bestfriend Tedd. And Tedd, meet my cupcake."

"Keep it to yourself, asshole."

"Look at him just once and I will go."

Huffing, I slowly opened my eyes and eww eww eww. He was sitting on his hand and so small. It made me vomit as that Asshole laughed to his heart's content. He picked a jar and kept it inside his bag. He wasn't lying when he said that he was going to pet it. Can you believe this guy? Out of all the billion cute animals in the world, this dumbass decides to pet a baby frog. This deserved the greatest eye roll ever.

Teri Meri Chemistry. 📚 ✔Where stories live. Discover now