Chapter 4

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Knight in shining armour.

Waking up the next morning, I changed my dirty bandage. The wound was much better today. I did my morning routine and grabbed my breakfast as the school bus honked outside. I quickly slung my bag around my shoulder and went out. I took the window seat and plugged in my ear phones looking out, not wanting to interact with any human being. I had decided that I wouldn't allow anyone to ruin my day today. What Zack said yesterday before leaving left me wondering for a while. I wasn't sure what he meant but I could figure it out seeing his everyday behaviour.

Think of the devil and the devil is here.

Zack entered first of all and instead of going to his usual seat he eyed the empty seat beside me. Before I could react, he quickly slid there. I huffed out in annoyance hugging my bag and staring outside.

"It looks better today." He said grabbing my elbow in his hand.

"No touching, asshole." I clenched my teeth at him.

"Okay sugar pie!" He smiled.

"Do yourself a favour and save these creepy names for your bimbos."

"Why? Are you jealous, honey bunch?"

"Bless your delusional heart!" I rolled my eyes at him and turned around. "We are not okay Zack. Stop behaving as if we are."

"Now we are 'We'." He smirked. I really wanted to scratch the smirk off his face but controlled myself.

No one should ruin your day.

He laughed at my reaction. I smacked my bandaged elbow in his stomach.

"Wow, you're pretty strong for someone of your size."

"Buzz off, jerk."

"As you wish, princess!"

"Wait, listen!"

"Oooh. Now you're talking cupcake."

"Can you shut up for once?" I asked annoyed and he shook his head.

"Did you really mean what you said yesterday?"

"What did I say?" He pretended as if he had no idea what I was talking about.

"Nevermind." I turned away.

"I did." I heard him say before he disappeared from there.

Now I was more curious to know what his secret was. What was the reason of his bipolar behaviour. One day he was an asshole. The next day he was kind of not an asshole. I wanted to know but then I was okay with the equation we had. Not too close. Not too far. Just the way I liked.
The day went by pretty smoothly and for once, he didn't annoy me the whole day. He was with his BBH squad and I was with my friends, both minding our own business. At off time, the bus driver had decided to change routes and my place was nearer than the BBH apartment. I got off the bus and stood across the road. My ankle was still sprained and I had trouble walking fast. I looked at both sides and there was no vehicle. I started walking to cross the road. I had reached midway when I heard a loud horn. I looked to my right to find an overspeeding bus coming my way. I was terrified. Instead of running fast, I froze at my place. My sympathetic nervous system had stopped working. Everything in my mind was a mess. I could hear people shouting. I could hear the horn. I could see the bus approaching nearer and all I did was to close my eyes, waiting for it to hit me. The next few moments had passed in a blur and I felt myself being thrown on a footpath due to the collision. The only difference was that the collision didn't happen with the bus and I wasn't the one lying on the side walk. My eyes were still tightly shut because of the fear. My breath came out rugged. My heart was beating super fast. I felt the muscular person beneath me relaxing a bit and letting out a sigh of relief. His arms came round me and caressed my back as I buried myself deeper to hide somewhere.

"You're okay." He whispered and placed his chin above my head before loosening his tight hold on me.

In the meanwhile his friends had come in the scene.

"Are you both idiots?" Steve shouted angrily.

"What the fuck were you thinking Zack?" Tom looked annoyed.

"Are you hurt?" Vivaan asked, concern evident in his voice.

I shook my head and stood up. My breath was out of control. I wanted to hide somewhere and cry. I quickly walked inside my house and watched through the window.

Steve gave him a hand and helped him stand up. He slapped him hard and then hugged him tightly. The other two joined their hug and unwillingly, I smiled. Their bond was too precious. They slung their arms around him and asked him if he was okay. He nodded and told them that he was staying at his parents' today which meant our neighbours. They bid him bye asking him to take care of himself. He played it cool but I knew he surely had gotten hurt. I was too blank to react. I walked straight upstairs to my room and locked the door. I cried like a baby once I knew no one was here. I took it all out. The fear, the near end experience, his timely reaction and everything in general.

Don't hide your pain. His words echoed in my mind.

"See I am not hiding my pain. I am all vulnerable and a little more broken." I whispered in between my hiccups.

After I was done venting it all out, I went to the washroom and washed my face. I came out drying it with a towel. I noticed some movements next door and went to the window. He was standing there cleaning the wound and wiping the blood off his forehead.

I so knew it! What on earth was he thinking when he jumped there? Was he out of his mind? Was he on weed? On drugs or something?

I felt guilty seeing his state but there was nothing I could do. I had reacted so stupidly that I didn't want to face him again. Ever.

My most loathed enemy had saved me two days in a row. Sucks to be me!


short and to the point.

Teri Meri Chemistry. 📚 ✔Where stories live. Discover now