Emily's Story

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Hey everyone, here is another story, it is a bit sad. Enjoy.

-Mel :)


“Dad is home” I think to myself. I hear him yelling at mum downstairs.

Jack comes running into my room frightened and shaking, I don’t say a thing just hold him.

“Why does daddy yell so much?” His innocent voice makes it hard for me to reply. I swallow. “Dad goes to the bar after work and that makes him angry.”

Glasses and plates smash on the tiled floor, followed by a dull thud.

I place the petrified Jack on my bed; I lift my finger to my lips, signalling to stay quiet. He nods as I slip out the door. I can hear mum crying as I cautiously walk down the stairs, I peek around the corner to see dad collapsed on the floor surrounded by alcohol and glass; mum is standing in the corner sobbing, a red hand print across her face. I run up to her and hug her tight.

We are both crying now. When mum eventually stops, between the sobs, she whispers to me “We have to get away, tonight.” I nod and release my arms from her waist.

The road is long and bumpy; I have not slept a wink.

We are on the road to a ‘new life’ away from abuse, away from harm, away from stress, but most of all away from my father.

Mum pulls up into the driveway of a motel.

We make our way up to our room. Mum puts Jack to bed.

I sit at the small table, mum walks out and we start to discuss our next move.

I make a suggestion that we move into the nearest city. At least there we will be safer, only because most people keep to themselves, compared to a small country town where everyone knows everyone.

I lay in bed thinking; what if dad finds us, what will he do?

Will he make us live with him?

Will he harm us?

I decide to say a little prayer to God, just to keep us safe through this tough time.

I must have dropped off to sleep, because I look out the window to bright light and the sound of birds. Today is the day, we are moving to the big city.

I have a shower and change into clean clothes. I help mum organise Jack just to ease her stress levels.

Once ready Jack and I patiently wait in the car for mum. I have a few mixed feelings on moving to start this new life in the city, some happy, only because I know when we do move we will be safe and away from my abusive father, but, there is also sadness, I don’t want my school friends to be concerned about my welfare, because I am just not worth it.

 I wonder what my new school will be like.

I am starting my new school today, I am so excited. I have a new everything, new school uniform, new teachers, a new attitude, and maybe I will make some new friends.

To get to school I have to take the bus, I wait at my stop eager to arrive at school. The bus drives up to my stop and it looks packed, I just hope there is a seat for me. I climb aboard and see everyone staring at me. I find a seat up the front next to a boy with glasses and braces, I guess he is shy by the way he is finding it hard to reply to my ‘hi’.

The bus trip is short but awkward; I just hope it is not like this for the rest of the school day.

At school I go to the office to be greeted by the principal. I get given my timetable a school diary but no map.

I can tell right now this is not going to be how I expected my first day would go.

Walking into two wrong classes and bumping into a senior, I finally reach the right classroom. I take a seat at the front. Math first, my favourite subject… NOT.

On the bus home, I sit at the front again, all the same, only this time I have all the ‘popular’ kids throwing paper at me and gum in my hair, calling me ‘the new kid’.

When the bus reaches to my stop I run out the door and up to the gate of my place, I don’t bother to open it, just jump… that was a HUGE mistake, my dress caught on the fence and tore all the way up my back, I hear the whole bus laughing and carrying on about my fairy undies. I can never show my face at that school again!

I cry myself to sleep.

Morning dawns and I can’t stop thinking about what happened yesterday, I walk into the kitchen making groaning sounds, to try and convince mum that I am sick and need to stay home. Plan failed. Mum handed me some panadol and sends me off to school.

Another horrible day at school, except instead of being called ‘The new kid’ they called me ‘Fairy pants’.

I get up to the bathroom and have a good long look in the mirror, I wonder if anyone would notice if I was gone, I know for a fact that kids at school would not care, mum might a little, me being her only daughter.

Without thinking I grab my razor blade and push it into my skin in a downward motion, watching the red liquid seeping out and onto the floor. I grit my teeth at the pain.

I have been waging school for the past week. I have been receiving harsh messages form kids saying: I am fat, I am ugly, that I can never get a boyfriend and much worse.

I have stopped eating, but mum doesn’t know. Lost all my self-confidence. I feel I am worthless. I ask myself everyday what is the point of living.

1 Week Later

I won’t take it anymore. I can’t face another day at school. It is time to put a stop to all this.

I write mum and Jack a letter saying:


You have been with me my whole life.

I am so sorry for all the hard times of us fighting.

I have to end it here I cannot take the pain anymore.

You have been the best mother any child could ever have, and for that I thank you.

I just want you to know this is not your fault you did what was best for Jack and I.

Stay strong mum.


I want you to grow up strong.

Be happy with your life.

Achieve all the goals you have made.

Take care of mum for me.

I love you both with all my heart.

-Emily <3

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