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running through the forest my feet pounding the damp ground, the rain is beating down on my face, loud crashes of thunder and bright flashes of lightning make my heart race, faster and faster and faster, until i cant take it any more. i trip on a fallen branch, struggling to get up again, i roll onto my back and hear in the distance the thundering of hooves and chains, they found me!

I scramble to my feet. Hiding in a nearby bush the carriage stops in front of me. Oh no I am done for, this is my last moment.

Crawling backward further and further away from the path, I feel an unusual patch of ground, I use my hand to tap on it. The ground beneath me gives way, I plummet toward the cold stone floor. I land with a thud. Lifting myself up, I try to see into the shadows but the fact that is pitch black, I can't see much at all.

After what feels like many hours i finally find a soled wooden door. turing the handle carefully it swings open. I am free!!

Light shines from a candle, above it a note, written in blood.

I want to play, find me, i am somewhere in this house.


A shiver runs down my spine. placing the note in my pocket i walk around the corner to find a dark stair well that leads up to somewhere, me being the curious person I am, I decide to see where it goes.

reaching the top of the stairs, exhausted, I find another note, again written in blood.

You are pretty good at this, you are getting warmer.


I have a look around. I am in the middle of a hallway with doors and corridors leading off to different areas.

Which way do I go?

one false move and who knows what will happen?

I call out. "Mary are you here?"

No response. Okay, I turn to my right, have a look as far as I can, then do the same but on my left.

I travel down the long corridor and at the end of it is a single door. This one is different to the rest, instead of being the usual brown colour it has a reddish tinge to it. I don't take much notice. looking through the keyhole, I see boxed and boxed of what seems to be old toys.

I swallow my fear and cautiously turn the handle.

I jump as a box of old dolls crash to the ground.

I don't move or make a sound.

I hear something faint that os coming from a hidden door, it sounds like someone singing. I realise it might be Mary.

"Ring around the rosies, a pocket full of posi... the singing is eery and stops as i reach the door. I open it to find a little girl in white, sitting brushing the hair of a doll with and eye missing, it seems to be old and worn out.

The young girl looks up at me, she is no older that 8.

Annie, you found me, now its your turn to hide, before i could say anything, Mary walks up to me, her eyes change from a light blue to blood shot red. She gives me a look of death. I yell out for help.

"Annie there is no one around to hear you."

Mary is backing me into the corner and blocks the exit.

"There is no escaping now, Annie."

"Mary, what have you got against me?"

"You fell into my house, you woke me up. Now play fair and don't move."

I listen to Mary, she walks to the other side of the room, where the door is. She stops, turns and looks at me, I go to speak, but before I an get a word out Mary is hovering toward me. I look frantically around for something to use, nothing.

This is my end, Mary jumps at me with a knife, I take my last breath as she cuts my throat and leaves me in a pool of blood.

"Now we can play all day and night, intruder."

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 24, 2012 ⏰

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