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5 years ago

"I hate you Jerry! I hate you so much I never want to see you again." Lexi screamed at Jerry who stood there laughing at her with all of his friends around.

She couldn't believe that he would to that to her. Yes they played pranks on each other but this was to far. He went to far. She was fighting back the tears that wanted to fall from her eyes. She would not let him see her cry. He would only laugh harder at her. She turned her glare to her cousin who let him do it.

"I can't believe you let him do this to me Kris. I expected more from you." Lexi didn't listen to see if he had anything to say she turned around and marched back into the house. She made it to her room before the tears finally began to fall. After about a half hour she finally calmed down and looked at herself in the mirror. Her once blonde hair was dyed an ugly color of seaweed green. Not only that but is was all choppy looking seeing how she was missing chunks of her hair compliments to her cousins best friend. She still couldn't really believe that he let him do that to her. They were close seeing how they were the only two cousins the same age. They fought more like siblings than of cousins. " I'm never coming back here again." She said to herself. I'm leaving tonight. No one would blame her for wanting to leave after this. She pulled her suitcase out and began to pack.

Kris P.O.V.

"I think you went to far this time Jer." Kris said to his best friend. He knew Lexi was mad. Hell she was past mad she was pissed.

"She'll be fine it was just a joke." Jerry said still laughing at his handy work. Yes they prank each other but it has never gone this far. It has never been this bad.

"I don't know man she was pissed. I can't believe you did that to her hair. I'm surprised she didn't kill you on the spot." He knew his cousin had a temper. He just hopes that she calms down before she does anything irrational.

"She will be fine. Stop worrying about it. Lets go down to the pond while she calms down." Kris ran his hand through his hair before he finally agreed with his friend.

"Yeah I guess your right I don't want to be in her war path when she comes back outside." Little did Kris know at the time that that would be the last time he saw Lexi. That it would be another five years before he would see her again.

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