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+ literally lays on top of u
     - " jack , baby , ur crushing me "
       " sux "
+ his head on ur chest or in the crook of ur neck
+ ur hands in his hair
+ legs tangled tgt
+ or it's the opposite
     - u on top of him
+ u can listen to his heartbeat :")
+ his hands on ur lower back or ur ass
+ squeezes ur ass sometimes WiNk WoNk
     - u scold him for it lol
     - " jack i stg- "
       " what ?? not my fault u have a
       nice ass ???? "
+ u'll kiss his neck / he'll kiss ur forehead from time to time
+ him whispering sweet nothings to u
+ " ur so beautiful "
+ " i love u , so much "
+ " ur the best "
+ he WITHOUT FAIL will always fall asleep in either position

✧・゚: *✧・゚

𝐈𝐌𝐀𝐆𝐈𝐍𝐄𝐒 ,, grazerWhere stories live. Discover now