'study' buddy

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status : exclusive but not dating

summary : you help jack study for an upcoming test but he gets bored


" - and that's how you find x , do you get it ? ",

" no ",

" oh my fucking god ", you mumble as you pinch your nose bridge.

" can we take a break ? " jack whines as he closes his textbook.

" jack , you're not gonna get this if we keep taking a break every ten minutes ", you retort.

jack falls back onto his bed , groaning. you just watch , unamused , as he continues while pushing all your books off the bed and onto the floor.

you close your eyes before sighing ,

" fine , five minutes ",

you hear jack utter a ' yes ' , stretching out the ' s ' , and roll your eyes playfully before looking at him.

jack sits up against the head board of his bed and looks back at you. he moves his hands , motioning you to move closer to him so you do.

the two of you sat on jack's bed , facing each other , legs crossed , knees touching.

" wanna play a game ? " jack asks as he smiles and wiggles his eyebrows.

you let out a small laugh at the boy's weirdness before answering ,

" sure ",

and with that jack grabs your hands in his , making your cheeks heat up.

" ok so , i need you to close your eyes and then we'll go from there ", the curly-haired boy explained.

you furrowed your eyebrows , a little confused but still obliged nonetheless.

then , nothing happened.

a couple seconds went by ,

one ,

two ,


but then , you felt something.

slightly chapped lips against your soft ones. jack's slightly chapped lips. it caught you by surprise but soon enough you melted into the kiss , kissing back.

so this is the game.

you felt your hands being released from jack's as he moved his to your waist and you moved yours to cup his jaw.

you both parted a little to breathe. looking into each other's eyes as the two of you giggled giddily.

" pretty fun game , huh ", jack whispered as he leaned in closer.

you scoffed jokingly before closing the gap between your lips.

your lips moved in sync as you deepened the kiss , pulling jack closer to you. he pulled you onto his lap before moving his hands down to your ass.

your little kiss slowly turned into a heated make out. you felt jack's tongue along your bottom lip , asking for an entrance which you denied.

but he squeezed your ass , making you gasp and letting his tongue enter your mouth. his tongue danced with yours , the kiss becoming more rough and a little sloppy.

suddenly , jack leaned forward causing you to let out a small yelp as you fell backwards on the bed.

jack chuckled a little before pecking your lips.

his hands were placed on either side of your head as he hovered over you. he stared down at you , smiling giddily.

" what ? " you asked , smiling back up at jack.

" you are beautiful , y/n y/l/n ", he replied , sweetly.

you bite your lip , trying to stop yourself from smiling like an idiot.

the things this boy does to you.

you pull jack down by his collar , connecting your lips once more in a sweet kiss.

beep beep , beep beep

the sudden sound of your timer makes you both pull away.

you look at your phone before looking back at jack ,

" five minutes ", you pout ,

jack groans before laying himself on top of you , his head in the crook of your neck.

" wait , how 'bout this ", jack exclaims before hovering over you again.

" if we study for another thirty minutes , you wanna play another game ? " he smirks ,

" forty-five " you tease , smirking back.

" fine " , jack gives in - he gives you one last quick kiss before scrambling off you to get his books off the floor , making you laugh.

the next hour was going to be interesting , to say the least. ;)

✧・゚: *✧・゚

hi sorry i haven't updated in a hot minute

b u t

pwetty pwease check out my other books cus im working a lil bit more on em !

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 07, 2020 ⏰

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