Chapter 21.

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Fiat throws himself on the bed and grabs his pillow. He yells into his pillow. Fiat rolls around and hooks his chin over the pillow as he sees Oaujun shaking his head on him. "It was my fault. If Oak didn't find out about the syringe, he wouldn't have found out."

"Don't blame yourself. He would have found out sooner or later. I mean we would have to go for our monthly check up and he would discovery it then." Oaujun answers. "Anyway it'd be better that Oak knows about it anyway. I sort of agree with Tay. Only Oak can help them if there is anything wrong."

Fiat is so frustrated that he bites onto the pillow. "Argh. I don't know. But I don't want us to get punished because of me."

"It is also because of you that we manage to find about Oak's secret that she is keeping from Prae, which opens up quite a lot of possibilities that could be horrible for us. So stop blaming yourself." Oaujun scolds him.

"I guess you're right." Fiat says empathetically.

Oaujun walks towards the bathroom and peels off his shirt. Fiat watches him as he struts shirtless. It makes his stomach grumble in a way that makes him want to pounce onto him and makes the older boy sing for him with the sound of lust.

"Jun." Fiat calls out, dragging out his name seductively. He didn't know what come over him to bring him to say it with that kind of tone.

Oaujun stops at his spot and turns his head, looking at Fiat with a lifted brow. "Yes?"

Oaujun could see the boy's face turn red as he tries to hide his embarrassment behind the pillow. "N-Nothing." Fiat answers back. Oaujun walk towards the boy and crawls over him slowly as Fiat's eye watches him with such intensity that Oaujun feels molested with just his stare.

Oaujun looks into Fiat's eyes with half his face covered by the pillow. The older boy grabs the pillow and pulls it off Fiat, throwing it to the other side of the bed. "Well, if you don't wanna make the first move then I will." Oaujun says as he leans down, putting his lips onto Fiat's.

Fiat's hands moves automatically onto Oaujun's chest. The smaller boy is not satisfied with his previous session when he explored Oaujun's body with his hands. Fiat let the older boy ravish his lips with whatever fire that he has burning inside of him. Fiat pulls away from the kiss, panting. "I want you."

The two examines each other's eyes and Oaujun could see more than lust behind those eyes. "Then take me." Oaujun replies in a sexy vicious way.

Fiat flips Oaujun over and sits on his stomach. Oaujun could see the nervousness in Fiat as he could feel the slight shiver and heaving chest. "Are you alright? You don't seem this nervous back when we first did it."

Fiat swallows the ball of anxiety in his stomach. "I-I don't know. It was dark back then and it's lighted here."

Oaujun raised a brow. "What's the difference?"

Fiat bites onto his lower lip. "I-I'm sort of insecure with my body."

It suddenly makes sense to Oaujun. The first time they did it, he realized why Fiat wanted to be on top and made sure he minimum touching. "Is it the scars? But they're gone now." Oaujun asks.

"But I can still feel them."

The two boys flip position once again. Oaujun rests his elbows by Fiat's head. "It's alright. I don't care if don't love your body, because I do." Oaujun says, earning a shy smile from the smaller boy. "I'll show you how much I love you and your body."

Oaujun grabs the hem of Fiat's shirt and lifts it off the smaller boy. Oaujun leans down and kissed his cheeks. He slowly kisses Fiat's neck, soft and tantalizing. Oaujun lower his kisses at an awfully slow pace that he could feel Fiat's hands begging for more with quicken pace. Oaujun refuses to give in to the boy.

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