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Y / N

I screamed as I saw the darkness slowly descending over my vision and a gunshot sounded somewhere in the back of my head.

My body jerked as I was once again in the dark, dinghy room, my hands tied behind my back.

I knew subconsciously that I was safe now but a part of my memories was still trapped within the body of the helpless girl who'd been kidnapped and abused for days altogether.

"Won't you show us what's behind these clothes, you little slut?" A man leered as he leaned over my petite form.

Tears flowed down my cheeks as the cloth tied around my mouth cut into my skin. I shook my head harshly as his hands reached out to part my legs and kicked my legs in defence.

The merciless laughter of my captor and his men rang in my ears as they all towered over my cowering figure. I felt hands all over my bare thighs as my clothes were ripped away roughly.

"I'll tell you!" I screamed, desperate to stop them. "I'll tell you where he is. I'll tell you everything that I know about him. Please stop." I cried.

"I know you will, b*tch." The captor spoke, his voice cutting through my body as he didn't remove his hand from my thigh.

His hand kept on climbing higher and higher along my skin as I struggled with the ropes tying my hands back.

Steeling my will, numbing my senses to his disgusting touch, I closed my eyes, desperately trying to summon every bit of my physical strength.

My body was drained...physically and mentally. I was hurt and starving but I had to get away.

I had to run away from my kidnappers so I could find Namjoon.

It had been ten years and I truly did not know anything about his whereabouts but these people refused to believe me.

"Please stop touching me." I begged, shrinking away from the violating touch of my captor. I did not want it. I couldn't let him violate my body.

As his cruel laugh rang in my ears, anger welled inside me. My eyes widened as I felt the rope loosening.

My wrists felt sore as something wet seemed to trickle down my fingers. I contained my cries of pain as kept rubbing my bloody wrists together, biting my lip at the searing pain.

One last torturous dig into my skin and my hands were free.

I couldn't take his filthy hands sliding across my skin anymore.

I couldn't.

I couldn't.


My body froze as Y/N's unconscious body slumped over mine, her breaths weak against my chest.

"Wildfox!" I yelled for my men as I hurriedly pulled Y/N's clothes into place before lowering her into the bed.

By the time the doctor arrived to check up on her, my panic had already subsided. All that was left behind was dread that clawed at my heart.

"Miss Y/N suffers from acute PTSD, Mr. Kim." He informed me as I sat perched on the edge of the bed, Y/N's hand in both of mine.

"I do not know..." The doctor paused. "what exactly happened-"

"Is her body alright?" I asked immediately. I wasn't sure if I could bear it if she'd been violated or forced sexually.

The doctor's expression was grim. "While I don't see any internal injuries...which rules out the possibility of rape-" He looked straight into my eyes, completely aware of what I meant by my question. "-her body still has many external wounds." He explained. "And while those are healing impressively quick, the same cannot be said for the mental trauma the patient has."

I glanced at Y/N's peaceful face and turned back my gaze to the doctor.

"What do you mean, doc?"

The doctor looked slightly embarrassed. "As I understand the situation, the trauma Miss Y/N has is related to sexual abuse." He hesitated.
I raised an eyebrow, prompting him to speak further.

"So, I believe that the occurrence of something that made those memories resurface, is the cause for this sudden unconsciousness."

Slightly in shock, I nodded as the doctor prescribed some medicines and handed the prescription to the nurse.

"Will she be alright?" I finally asked the million-dollar question to which the doctor looked at me amused.

"That actually depends on how you handle the situation, Mr. Kim." He replied. "And I'm no relationship expert but I believe that you're a man capable enough to pull Miss Y/N out of her trauma."

Y / N

The room was dark when I woke up. The sun was slowly setting outside the window and my body felt sore as if I'd been stationary for days.

"You're up." A large hand gently gripped my wrist as I pulled myself into a sitting position against the headboard.

I jumped but soon enough, my vision cleared enough to make out the outline of a very familiar body lying right next to me.


"How long was I sleeping?" I asked, my voice weak.

I felt the mattress dipping as the body moved. In seconds, I could feel Namjoon's warmth against my body as he gently engulfed my body in a strong embrace, his fingers brushing against my waist.

"A little more than 6 hours." He replied, nuzzling his nose into the crook of my neck. "I was scared out of my wits."

I chuckled, caressing his hair. "I like this side of you...when you're not acting all overbearing and possessive." I softly touched his dimple and smiled. "It's like you're not a dangerous mafia anymore but just Joon."

I felt Namjoon stir as he gripped my hand and pushed it away. "Don't do that, darling. You know it's sensitive." He murmured, kissing my fingertips.

"I've always liked your dimples." I said in my defence.

"I'm serious, Y/N." Namjoon quipped. "If I hadn't been so worried, I wouldn't have hesitated to punish you for teasing me like that."

I bit my lip.

Could I tease the mafia and escape unharmed?

A smile formed on my lips. I liked this version of the adult Namjoon a hell of a lot. He was much more easygoing and casual and I found myself speaking playfully.

"I didn't know you were still so sensitive." I teased, barely holding in my laughter.

Namjoon's hand caressed my jaw, his fingers tugging my face forward.

"Don't play with fire, princess." He whispered menacingly and I prayed he couldn't see my goosebumps in the dark room.

"I'm going easy on you but that doesn't mean you'll keep acting like a little vixen." He smirked. "Because if I regret being considerate," His lips brushed my cheek, just inches away from my lips. "then you'll regret being a tease."

I jumped as Namjoon switched on the lights. A blush rose to my cheeks as the light flooded the room and I diverted my gaze from Namjoon's smirking face.

"How exhausted are you?" He asked simply and I fidgeted with the covers, confused.

"I don't know, my body feels sore." I replied, my voice slowly strengthening.

Namjoon tsked, smiling amusedly.

"Too bad." He tilted his head, leaning in to steal a kiss. "I had something fun in mind."

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