Shinobu x Male|Reader

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It's been awhile since I joined the Demon Slayer Corps. But I'm no swordsman like them, rather one could call me a pharmacist for the wounded ones. And since the incident with the lower five ranked one, the butterfly estate is full of patients!

"Just drink it, you have no other option if you want your normal body back!" It became a routine for the members of the butterfly estate and me, trying to make this Zenitsu guy drink his daily medicine, he never stops to complain, scream or cry. We started to treat him a bit roughly than the others, can't be helped.

"No! It's bitter, I can never get it down with one gulp, so bad is this medicine!" He threw his usual tantrums. Making me feel like a vein could pop any moment now.

"Listen, if you don't want the medicine...I'll take it with me. But how sad...never being able to look normal again. What was it? You will turn into something like a spider? That's bad too but hey, at least you never have to work again!" Taking the cup away from him and turning around, another scream of agony could be heard.

"Nooo! I've changed my mind, okay!? You could have just encouraged me, why are you so mean!? You'll never be able to get a girl like that!!" That right there made me flinch, did he just say I wouldn't be able to date someone just because I'm trying to help him take his medicine? Or rather 'encourage'.

"Excuse you, 'sir'. But I don't need another girl in my life if I have-" shutting myself up, I've placed his medicine besides him and left the room as quickly as possible. "Dang it! He almost got to me in the worst possible moment!!"

"What happened?" A voice spoke up.

"Nothing much, just our difficult patient heard something...he...shouldn't. A-ah, Shinobu-Chan! How, how may I help you?" Turning beet red was the last thing I needed right now, but the beings above decided otherwise. Yes, I blame them for this!

She muffled a laughter and looked back at me with kind eyes, "Is that so? I just saw you ran out of the room quickly, so I got worried for a moment. That's all." That was her answer for actually following me to the garden.

"Ah, I'm sorry! It's just, uhm, that I've almost said something he shouldn't know before I tell it to that other person!" I've said, trying to hide my true feelings as delicately as possible. But the face Kocho had on her face said it all, she was about to unleash hell to me.

"Can't you tell an old friend what is actually happening? Aren't we that close anymore? Do we have to do something like you did back then?" Her face has gotten closer and closer with every word she spoke, and my body wouldn't move away from the spot. It's like my feet have grown roots down there.

"Please don't remind me about the past! It was an accident I promise! And if I'd tell you what is going on inside my head, I don't know if this is going to break..." ashamed about my weak courage, it was all that could be done right now.

"I don't really understand (Y/N). Is there actually something that might break our friendship? I thought it was stronger than that." Shinobu stopped and looked at me worriedly, her smile fading away too.

"I think so too but, the things I can't say might be able to make everything awkward for a while. And I don't want that."

"How can you be so sure about something if it never happened?"

"Because if it happens, than I wouldn't know what to do next..." not being able to stand with this anymore, I've lowered myself to the ground and hid myself behind my hands. I could feel her hands soothing me, oh how I loved the warmth she emitted. It was the only humane warmth I wouldn't mind having around.

"Then how about this, it doesn't matter if it's embarrassing or weird, I'll just accept it and live with it. The rest is up to you, I'm gonna stay by your side no matter what happens now. So, won't you tell me? Please?" It was always like that, even after she masked herself with this new 'Shinobu'. Her pleading voice if she wanted something from me always sounded so sweet I couldn't say no.

"You're making it difficult for me to hold it back everyday. But now I have to say it? This is getting pretty ridiculous for me, haha..." I've tried to laugh it off, I've tried to make Kocho change that mind of hers, but with no luck. "So you really want to know, guess I have to man up and accept the outcome either way. Had to say it at some point I believe."

With every second going by, it was harder for me to say the words I needed right now. It was like a cat got my tongue, my heart also felt like bursting out at any moment now. "You remember the day when you and your sister rescued my family?" Her mouth was agape for a short second, but formed into a thin line when nodding her head in agreement. "I was so thankful that I bawled out in front of you both, and you yelled at me for being a weakling even though I was a man. It felt like you stabbed me with these words, your sister tried to reason with you and everything too. In the end, you gave me enough willpower to change myself that day. Because I wanted to prove you wrong."

I've resided the days that came after, how I've tried to become a Demon Slayer as well, how I've failed again and again at cutting anything down or mastering a breathing technique. In the end, Ubuyashiki-Sama decided that I can't fight for them, but can actually try to be useful in another way, as one of their healers. And so our paths crossed again, though she tormented me with how incompetent I am with my hands. But her sister told me, it's her own way of showing that she cares and I've realized that too.

"You've always shown me how to handle things actually, even with your loud mouth you never left me and handled me in your own way...after that, I realized that I've fallen for you. But I'm not worth to be loved, not until I've become a better person! That's why I tried not to say anything..." realizing that Shinobu at some point didn't make any sound whatsoever. I've looked up just to feel her hand holding mine.

"How very cute, never did I thought that I affected you like this...very well, I accept this."

"Thanks, well...time to try and not make it feel awkward since you accepted it just like that." I've stood up and tried to walk away to cope with this piercing feeling, but she didn't let my hand free.

"I think you understood this wrong, I meant that I accept your feelings. Since I've fallen in love with you at some point as well."

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