Homecoming date

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My loud ass alarm goes off. I wake up thinking about what happened yesterday making me smile like a kid in a candy store. I get up out of my bed and start to get ready.



V: "I'm here"

(End of text message)

I grab my stuff and head out of the door. I get into Tori's car. She looks at me confused.

V: "I haven't seen you this happy sense m-"
A: "I know"
V: "so what happened"
A: "well we went on a date yesterday and he kissed me"
V: "wait you let him kiss you"
A: "yea and I really really like him"
V: "I can tell"

She chuckles out.


In the car ride I talked about what happened and what we were talking about. We arrive at the school, I grab my stuff, and head out of the car. I wait for tori.

V: "you ready?"
A: "yea"

We walk into the hall way.

(Bell rings)

A: "well at least we're not late"

I chuckle out

V: "well bye"
A: "bye"

I get to my class and go to my spot. Several minutes past and the second bell rings having more teens flee in.

D: "hey biker"

He pulls up a chair.

A: "hey jock"
D: "so sense this project is done soon can we hang at my place?"
A: "yea sure"
D: "ok. Oh and how's your head?"
A: "oh it's ok now"
D: "well that's good"
Teacher: "alright class get out your book and turn the page to 21"


School was school and now it's time for lunch. The usual I pick up Victoria. Devin yells my name. well nickname. We walk to the cafeteria and I set my stuff down and get in-line. I look around just admiring people like usual when I see jake wave his hand to get my attention. I wave back, and he walks closer to me.

J: "hey"

I see his smile get wider.

A: "hey"

I smile out.

J: "so where do you hang at"
A: "oh right there"

I point at where I sit.

J: "oh ok"

He looks back at me.

J: "hey so are you free tonight"
A: "I'm actually going to Devins house to study"
J: "oh ok"
A: "how about tomorrow?"
J: "I can check"
A: "ok"

I smile out.

I grab my food off of the glass table top and look at Jake.

A: "ready?"
J: "yea"

We walk to the table I sit at for lunch. I set my food down and so does jake.

D: "oh hey jake"
J: "hey"

They do their hand shake

V: "so I see you guys met"
A: "yea"

I smile out

V: "well guess who's your homecoming date"

She looks at Jake up and down

D: "hey I'm right here"

He laughs out

V: "hey I'm not going to do anything"
J: "well I was going to ask you today actually"

He looks at me

A: "wait really?"
J: "yea"

He blushes

A: "well I will love to"

I laugh out

V: "ugh kiss already"
A: "well if we make it official"

I look at him

J: "will talk about it later"

He blushes

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