In heaven.

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Tori closes the door and locks it

A: "fuck."

I try to jiggle the door open

D: "what?"
A: "we can't get out we're locked in here"
D: "oh"

I start to laugh

D: "what?"

I face him

A: "it's just that...never mind"
D: "never mind what?"
A: "just leave it"

I turn to the door

D: "leave what?"

He grabs my hand and turns me around. I start to cry and look down at my hand

D: "Abby what's wrong?"
A: "I like you"

I mumble out

D: "what?"
A: "I like you"

I look up at him

A: "I like you ok"

There was complete silence. I look down at our hands.

D: "Abby?"

I look up

We both stare at our lips and back at our eyes. He leans in and kisses me softly. This lasted about two minutes.

I pull back

A: "wait I.....I can't do this"
D: "we don't have to tell anybody"
A: "but it's wrong I.....I can't do that to tori"

I slowly walk back

The door opens.

V: "ok times up"

She smiles making me feel guilty. I get out as quickly as possible.

I walk past tori and she grabs my wrist.

V: "what's wrong"
A: "oh nothing. I just feel sick"
V: "but the party just started"
A: "no I need to go home"
V: "oh ok"

She sips her drink

A: "how much have you been drinking?"
V: "maybe a little bit?"

She stumbles on her feet

A: "you're fucking drunk"
V: "no I'm not"
A: "tori I can smell your breath from here. Come on let's go"
V: "no!"

I look at devin singling him to help me

D: "maybe we should head out?"
V: "no I don't want to"
D: "you give me no choice"

He picks her up onto his shoulder. While she laughs we walk out and go to his car. He puts tori in the back while I'm in the passenger seat. It was just silence until we arrived at her house.

Me and devin get out of the car. Tori passed out in the middle of the car ride. Devin picks her up bridle style, and takes her to the house. Gladly her parents weren't home. Devin takes her upstairs and lays her in her room. He comes back down into the kitchen where I was.

D: "hey so I texted my dad saying I was sleeping here at tori's"
A: "really he let you do that?"
D: "yea"
A: "mhm"
D: "how about you?"
A: "my parents already know I'm sleeping over"
D: "oh ok"

Silence just silence.

D: "so..."
A: "so?"
D: "can we at least talk about what happened to us"
A: "what's to talk about?"
D: "Abby we kissed"
A: "and we shouldn't"
D: "we need to"
A: "can we just pretend that it never happened"
D: "but it did"

He comes closer to me. He leans to me having our lips touch.

A: "no"

I push him away gently

A: "we can't do this. It's not fair to tori or jake"
D: "I know but why does it feel right?"
A: "no you can''s bad enough I still like you ok"

I start to cry

A: "your off limits"
D: "what about I break up with her?"
A: " limits..even if you break up with her"
D: "oh.."
A: "just take care of her ok?"

I walk away from the couch.

A: "I'm going to sleep"
D: "yea I'll sleep on the couch"
A: "no it's ok I'll sleep on the couch and you can sleep in her room"

He nods his head and turns around to go up stairs.

A: "on the floor and no monkey business"
D: "I won't"
A: "ok good"
D: "well sleep tight and good night"
A: "hey that rhymed"
D: "i know"

We chuckle and I look at the floor to hide my blushing

He starts to go up the stairs.

A: "goodnight and sleep well"

He nods he's head again as I'm smiling like a kid in a candy store.

I get some blankets and pillows out of the laundry and use the couch pillows. I lay down and look on my phone while my eyes started to get heavy. I put my phone on the counter and went to sleep.

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