I like you!

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Deku Pov

Kacchan asked me to meet him at the tree where we met.Its a cherry blossom tree.some say soulmates meet at the special tree.kacchan told me to come at 7:00.its 8:00 in the morning right now.I decided to go to the common room.there's a kitchen there,and I want  tea....I don't even know how to make it! I found Uraraka in there."oh,hey deku!you want coffee or tea?""tea"...should I tell her?"hey,Uraraka,kacchan asked me to meet him at the place where we first met.do you have an idea of why?"..."well,I guess the only reason could be a confession"...what?!"no way!"..."pfft,yes way!"...I won't believe it,kacchan doesn't like me!does he?it could be something else!like....I got nothing.(sigh)I just have to wait and find out...I found a cup of tea in front of me."what else would it be,deku?".."I...don't know.."..."oh,yeah!i forgot to tell you!kiri and kami are dating!!"...(gasp) yaaaaaaaaaayyyyyyy!

Bakugo Pov

Ugh! I'm hurting my brain!fuck!(enjoy him cursing to him self!).katsuki,you fucking, dumb,asshole!shit!how do I fucking tell him...ugggghhhhh!

7:00 ~hope y'all is ready!~

Deku Pov

Uh oh,it's 6:55,I've gotta hurry!"kacchan!"..he turned to look at me and was..blushing?"Deku,remember when we promised to get married,and become a hero pair?"..I got all flustered."y-yeah?".."without even loving each other?"..I nodded.."well....I..Ilikeu..".."um,what was that?"..."I like you,nerd!"... I was on the verge of crying!"I...I like you too,kacchan!!"(that sounded cliche)I was already crying!


"And that's how I met him!oh,it looks like your parents are here!"...."thanks for babysitting again deku!"..."no problem Uraraka!"..."ok,hikari,lida,lets go to the movies!"..."ok,mommy!!"...I turned to look at kacchan.he was reading a book.i walked over to him"kacchan?"...."yes,deku?"..."I'm glad I met you"..."me too,deku"....
Yeah,that's my story,of how I fell in love with him.....

                       ~The End~

Authors note:waaaaahhh!!! I'm so sad this story had to gooo!but,I guess everything has an end. I'm stilll saaaaadddd!!!

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