Round 1

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It happened while Team Minato was out training.

With no missions at the moment, Minato decided that the day would be spent on practicing ninjutsu and taijutsu routines. 

Obito grumbled at this but the lazy Uchicha knew it would not change anything. Rin gave Minato the puppy eyes and asked if she could "pretty please go practice genjutsu." Minato rolled his eyes and gave her a firm no. 

The only one who said nothing was Kakashi which should have told Minato that something was off. The silver-haired young chunnin never missed an opportunity to berate Obito for his laziness. Minato, however, just put it down to Kakashi being a bit more tolerant then usual.

The three students stood in the middle of the clearing and began to practice, starting with simple forms and getting more complex the further they got along.

Then Kakashi disappeared suddenly.

Minato looked around for the young chunnin, but didn't see him. A second later, Kakashi came out from a nearby bush.

"What are you doing?" Minato asked.

"Practicing by shushin, Sensei," Kakashi said, referencing the teleportation jutsu.

Minato nodded and Kakashi went back to practicing his forms in the clearing again. But something was off. Obito was performing his forms with the usual lack luster energy and face making and Rin was as cheerful as ever. Kakashi was usual a model of precision, but today his strikes were sloppy.

"Focus, Kakashi," Minato advised.

"Yes, Sensei," Kakashi said.

Obito laughed and Minato arched an eyebrow at him.

"You too, Obito," Minato added.

He turned back to Kakashi, only to find him gone again. Once again, Kakashi came out of a bush, the same bush as before in fact.

"Praticing my aerial side kick," Kakashi said by way of explanation before going back to his practice.

This time, Minato paid more attention to him.

The part of Kakashi's face that was visible above his black half mask was paler than usual and sweat was dripping down his face. Obito and Rin had barely broke a sweat at all yet and Kakashi had far more endurance than those two.

A third disappearance, happened, this time with Kakashi throwing a kunei into the bush and then going in after it.

"What is so interesting about that bush, Bakashi?" Obito asked.

"Nothing. Now shut up," Kakashi snapped as he resumed his position in the clearing.

Minato was not a jounin for nothing. By now, he had put all the pieces together and he was starting to see what Kakashi was doing.

"Kakashi, if I go over and look at that bush, what am I going to see?" Minato asked.

"It is just a bush, Sensei," Kakashi said.

"Really? then you won't mind if I look," Minato said turning towards it.

"That is not necessary," Kakashi said.

"I think it is," Minato said.

He started towards the bush again and this time it was Rin's voice that stopped him.

"Kakashi!" She shouted.

Minato turned to see Kakashi falling towards the ground, face-first. He zipped over to his student, catching him before he hit the ground. 

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