Round 2

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"I am telling you, Tenzo, I am fine," Kakashi protested.

He and Tenzo were in the locker room at ANBU headquarters, changing out of their uniforms after their most recent mission. Kakashi had just removed his chest-plate, revealing a long bloody and badly stitched up sword cut in his chest.

"That doesn't look fine, Captain" Tenzo said. "It looks infected. You need to go to the hospital to get it take care of."
Kakashi rolled his only visible eye and pulled his shirt on then put on his jounin vest over the top.

"You trust my judgement, right?"

Tenzo nodded. He trusted his captain with his life.

"Then you should believe me when I say I am fine," Kakashi said.

He walked out of the locker room before Tenzo could answer, disappearing with surprising speed.

"I trust your judgement, Captain. But you know nothing about medicine," Tenzo muttered.

Changing out of his own uniform and into regular clothes, Tenzo hurried from the locker room and took to the roof tops. Kakashi wasn't hard to spot from that high up, given his distinctive appearance. Adding to that, he was the only ninja Tenzo knew who walked around the streets with his nose buried in a bright orange book.

Tenzo landed on the roof top of the flower shop as Kakashi was turning around a corner to walk down the same street it was on. He hid behind the sign and waited, peaking out from a gap between the letters.

Kakashi appeared to be his normal, carefree self, but Tenzo could see that he was walking slightly differently from normal, avoiding pulling at the wound on his chest by standing up straighter then his normal slouch.

When Kakashi had just walked past the flower shop, Tenzo lept out and landed behind him with hardly a sound. Being ANBU trained, however, Kakashi heard him anyway.

"Tenzo, was there something you needed?" Kakashi asked without turning around.

Wood-style, grasping tree, Tenzo thought as he flashed quickly through the hand signs.

In answer, five tendrils shot out of his fingers in a blur, twisting themselves together to form a tree before reaching out to encircle Kakashi around all four limbs and his chest.

"What are you doing?" Kakashi asked, his tone quiet and dangerous.

Tenzo started running, one hand steadying the other with, the tree with Kakashi still attached to his hand.

"I am sorry, Captain, but you need a medic so I am bringing you to one since you won't go yourself."
Kakashi's visible eye widened and he struggled uselessly against the branches pinning him.

"Tenzo, I order you to release me and stop this nonesense."

Tenzo smiled and shook his head.

"Sorry, Captain, but we aren't on a mission right now. Your orders mean nothing to me."

Kakashi tried to wiggle himself out of his restraints but Tenzo simply tightened the branches a little when he tried. By the time they arrived at the hospital, Kakashi had given up trying to escape.

The nurse on duty at the receptionist desk stared with wide eyes as Tenzo skidded to a halt in front of her.

"I need a medical nin right away_" He began.

"Well, Hatake. What have you done to yourself this time?"

At the sound of that voice, Kakashi went limp in his wooden prison. His face was ashen as he turned to look at the doctor who had just walked up.

"It is nothing, Hira. In fact, I was just leaving," he said.

Hira ignored Kakashi and turned to Tenzo.

"He's got a sword cut. The flesh around it is red and it looks infected. Seems like he tried to stitch it up himself without disinfectant," Tenzo answered.

"Of course, he did," Hira said with a sigh. 

She turned to the nurse at the desk.

"Tell four of the orderlies to get to Room 8. I don't care who, just make sure they are strong," she said.

"Tenzo, if you don't release me right now_"

Kakashi didn't get to finish the threat. Hira interrupted.

"Follow me back to Room 8, if you please. Don't let him go until I give the word or I won't be happy with you, and trust me, you don't want to make a medical nin mad," she said sweetly.

She looked pointedly at Kakashi as she said that last part and he glared back at her.

Tenzo swallowed nervously and followed Hira through the hallways to room 8. 

The four medical ninja Hira had asked for were already there, all of them muscle bound and with grim looks on their face.

They each stood at the corner of a hospital bed with padded restraints attached to it.

What were they planning on doing to Kakashi?

Hira turned to face Tenzo.

"Hold him over the bed and release his limbs one at time so my staff can grab them. Whatever you do, don't free both his hands at once."

Tenzo held the tree over the bed and started to do as he was told.

The second his first arm was released, Kakashi's hand shot towards his kunai pouch. The ninja on that side acted fast, gripping Kakashi's arms and holding it still. Next came one of his legs and the ninja on that side came away with a kick to the eye. The man on the other leg was not so lucky, he ended up with a trickle of blood coming from a crooked nose. 

The biggest trouble came when the other hand was released. Kakashi managed to rip his other hand free and flashed through a few hands signs before his hands were pulled apart.

"Release him now," Hira ordered Tenzo.

Tenzo released the final branch around Kakashi's middle and Kakashi dropped to the bed with the ninjas pinning him down. Soon Kakashi was bound and helpless.

"I hope this worth it for you, Tenzo," Kakashi said. "Because you will be target practice for a new recruits as soon as I get out of here."

"Sorry, Captain," Tenzo said, looking nervously at Hira. "But if it is a choice between making you mad or the medical core, I'd rather be target practice."

He fled with Kakashi muttering "traitor" at his back.

"You'll be happy to know, Kakashi. We have updated the room since you were here last," Hira said sweetly. "There is now a chakra monitor attached to the bed that will alert us if you start using it. There will be no escape, this time."

So Kakashi had to submit as his chest wound was painfully disinfected, his own stitches removed, and new stitches put in. He could swear that Hira enjoyed his grimaces of pain as her needle pierced his flesh to sew it together.

Kakashi endured it all until Hira left him to rest after telling him that he would have to stay in the hospital for at least a day under observation and mentioning that he might get a few of those shot he had missed over the years while he was here.

As soon as Hira was gone, Kakashi slid out the tiny shuriken he had managed to slip into his glove during the earlier struggle. He cut through the restraints and then opened the window, escaping out into the night.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 27, 2020 ⏰

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