B2: Chapter 35 - The Court of Public Opinion - IV

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  Hailey slammed the bodyguard against the nearest wall with one hand. He crumpled, and didn't try to get up a second time. She heard the engine start up somewhere beneath her, and heard it speed away a few seconds later.

  He's getting away!

  She didn't hesitate. Ignoring the other guard that had rushed into the room, Hailey ran for the front of the mansion. The front door was locked, but Hailey couldn't be held back by something so small. She hurled a raw wall of force outward, and the door burst open—along with the frame. Another shower of dust, and the building shuddered in response.

  I hope everybody listened and got out... Hailey didn't have time to check, as the black sedan streaked down the road, passing a halted SUV in the long driveway as it did. The SUV turned to follow a few seconds later. More guards? How many does this guy have?

  Hailey took off, ignoring the groans behind her. She shot down the driveway over the heads of the fleeing staff, following the car as fast as she could—but it was a powerful car, and she couldn't keep up. Her only hope was to get some altitude, and cut it off at the corners in the city.

  She started flapping, shattering another tourmaline in her hand to get up faster. The stone around her neck was charred black now, with cracks running all over its surface, and Hailey didn't expect it to last much longer. She was burning through gemstones at a frightening rate, and she still didn't have Malton in her grasp. The supply she'd taken from the Laushires and her own stash weren't going to last forever, no matter how deep Kendra's bag might be.

  I can't let him go. I can't just let him get away with this.

  Hailey felt her heart racing, the adrenaline still surging through her as she plummeted back into the streets of London, swinging around corners to keep up with Malton's vehicle. The streets were oddly clear, with police blockades set up at regular intervals for reasons passing Hailey's understanding. Malton's car gained distance after every turn, while Hailey lost ground and the SUV behind her gained on her.

  He's going to get away, and they're helping him do it. Of course they are. He's rich, he's powerful, he can do whatever he wants. The system will just bail him out, like it always does.

  In desperation, Hailey threw a burst of fire at the vehicle, just as Rika had tried. It looked on-target—right until it dissipated into nothing in mid-air. Hailey tried again, with a full stream of fire powered by a ruby from her bag, and she felt it. Somebody was deflecting the flames. The reach of her magic was just far enough that she could feel another aura pressing back, choking out the fire she threw. Hailey switched to air, trying to cut at the tires as she had in Lakewood—and her wind ran into an invisible wall of force.

  He's got Viper in there. Malton might even be awakened himself. Viper probably got the Scrap Ryan lost back in Redmond. I'm up against other awakened this time, not just humans with guns. Now it's guys with magic and guns. And he's got more guys behind me. How am I supposed to win?

  Hailey felt despair creeping into her. She kept beating her wings, kept flying and kept pace with Malton's car, but a feeling of failure had started to build up in her heart. Malton was going to get away with it. He had the police on his side, he had some awakened on his side, he had the public on his side. Nobody knew who Jessica was, but everybody knew him. Malton could pay off whoever he liked, and he wasn't anywhere near the guys who actually carried out his plans. He'd never get blamed. He was a billionaire. Hailey was just... some girl from Seattle.

  Not just some girl. I'm Hailey Aurora Elizabeth Winscombe. I'm the Goddess of Kent. I'm friends with the most powerful person in the world. I'm one of the most powerful people in the world... and he killed my best friend.

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