Ask 7

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VictoriousNikeVicky asked:

What is The Day? (When the kids aren't around)


Cheer: Well...I guess we can trust you. 

Sci: The 'day' is when...Mirai attacked us. She wasn't in full control, she was a full reminiscence. She attacked us. She had silver hair, black eyes, super sharp fangs and claws and...she had pitch black skin, she looked like a fricking demon thing...oh and she had wings and a tail.

Fell: DJ got a long slash wound on her stomach, when Mirai slashed her, nearly killing her. 21 has a bite mark on her arm and neck, from when she bit her, with her super sharp fangs and 28...


28 was stabbed in the stomach, chest and leg. There was blood everywhere and 28 nearly died, he should've died, if I didn't heal him fast.

Flashback end

Wing Ding: She attacked us to, I have a slash wound across my chest.

Sci: I have a bite mark on my leg.

Red: I have a crack in m arm, when she snapped my arm in half.

Fell: She didn't really attack me, just threw me into the walls.

B: I have claw marks on my leg.

Neko: She scratched my arm, pretty badly.

Nova: She tore off some of m tentacles, which hurt like heck.

Stars: Same here, except she bit them off.

Swap: She stabbed me in my hip.

Cheer:...She did me the worst, she stabbed me in my hip, bit my arm and stabbed me in my stomach area.

Melody: She scratched my hip and it was bleeding pretty bad.

Maestro: I was so scared...I couldn't move. She scratched my leg and arm, leaving scars that will never go away.

*Mirai stands there shocked*

Mirai: I...did that?

*Everyone sees the kids, looking shocked and scared*

Fell and Red: Oh sh*t

Nova: You guys...heard everything?

Mirai: *At the verge of tears* I...nearly siblings?

28: *Crying and rubbing his eyes*

21: *Shadow over her eyes, walks away.*

DJ: *Just stands there and walks away*

Cheer and Swap: *Goes after them, leaving Mirai.* 

Nova: Mirai?

*Mirai looks at them and teleports away*

*28 super jumps away*

Sci: Well we done f*cked up for sure.

Stars: I hope they're okay.

Fell: The kids came out of nowhere, they literally came out of nowhere.

Author: Okay if you wanna know if the kids are okay, just ask away. 28 had the hardest life of any kid. If you wanna know more about 28...ask. that's all I can say, now I just hope he doesn't go-


Fell, Red, Sci and Wing Ding: WHAT THE F*CK WAS THAT???!!!


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