We'll love again

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Spinel's POV (cuz we're starting that way)

I stared at (G/N) and blushed very hard amazed on what she just did. I tried to speak threw my shock "Y-You I-" she hugged me blushing as well then she looked over to see the Ruby and Sapphire fused and she got very excited "Garnet I-" she stopped seeming to realize something "she only has a fraction back" she said calmly. She started to walk towards the boy with a giant pink furry creature and I didn't want to be alone not again. I grabbed her arm and walked up to her saying "Don't leave me! NOT AGAIN!" I knew everyone was shocked. (G/N) looked at me in in surprise and heart broken she quietly said "You sweet..." Only the boy and I could hear her. We got onto the creature and suddenly it ran super fast. It startled me so I grabbed (G/N)'s waist tightly until I calmed down and we we're off! I was confused on what we were doing so I asked "Who are we looking for?" (G/N) was happy to awnser my question so she said "Oh! We are looking for a short Amethyst remember seeing her in the temple?" I did but it was a little unclear. We stopped at a 'Art studio' where we found the gem! The boy and (G/N) were very happy but The Amethyst would jus copy what they said. The boy was able to get her memories back! They hugged happily and I made (G/N) join the hug with me the Amethyst realizing I was there started to freak out and got (G/N) away from me and It made me a little scared not having her by my side but I hid it. "Stay away from them you monster!" Said the Amethyst which made me confused so went behind to grab (G/N)'s arm saying "A monster? W-well where is it? I-I don't see it" she pointed her whip at me and said "you!" And I thought we were playing a game "Oh! Ready or not here I come!!" I jumped behind her and booped her head and ran away. Realizing she wasn't chasing me I said "Oh I forgot to say you're it!" I stretched my arm to tap her shoulder and said "Okay tag you're it!" And ran further. I didn't hear what they said so I came back grabbing (G/N)'s shoulder asking "uh do you guys not know how to play tag?" We all ran to a garage to see a man with a Pearl and he seemed happy to see the Amethyst in her form. "Steven! You got Amethyst's memories back!" He said. The Amethyst seemed to be joking when she said "Who is Amethyst?" I giggled a little but he didn't to get it and said with a little fear "Oh no! She's even worse now!" She laughed and said "I'm just kidding dude!" I smiled and looked at (G/N) who seemed to me silent just watching. I wanted to see if I could make her smile so when I went to move she just tightened her grip on my hand so I just stopped. I mostly tunned out what they were saying until I saw (G/N) The boy and I walking to a building. Some people were going to sing and I was very excited! I jumped with the fusion in excitement as they started until I realized I couldn't see (G/N) anywhere and I started to get upset and I stayed silent for the rest of it. When the boy and man fused I thought it was interesting and I looked up to see someone being lifted into the air it was (G/N)! I was shocked and scared. It was hard to see but I knew she wasn't thinking of me...

WHEEZE that took a while to type out and once again thank you SO Much for reading or just noticing my work!

678 words

Spinel x gem!readerWhere stories live. Discover now