Ol reliable

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Hey uh before I get onto this bad story I gotta put this up because it'll be important trust me

(F/N)=Fusion Name

Okay let's go

(G/N) POV (cuz I just love jumping between POV's)

I floated to the ground and looked amazed but my smile quickly faded seeing Spinel was running out so I quickly followed her. She was too fast so I couldn't keep up. I looked around scared until I saw her running into the temple so I ran after her. I found her on the warp and she looked at me tears rolling down her face and onto the warp it was heart breaking. "Spinel a-are you okay...?" I was both scared and sad because she just... "I don't know..I just got all these feelings suddenly" She replied sadness in her voice. I tried putting my hand on her shoulder but she tensed up so I just stopped and asked her "Do you remember our garden?" "The garden?" She said. She smiled but it quickly fell and she screamed "NO!" Hitting the warp teleporting us. When the light faded we were at an abandoned and dead garden. She looked around and said "I remember this place. A special world for Pink and I-" I turned her around and held her hands telling her "Spinel I know what happened to you and I'm sorry. You can come back whenever you want to" I looked into her lively eyes as she started to tear up. She let go of my hands and started to giggle "you really are the same gem, Ol reliable,(G/N).." She was smiling a little fakely. Then she said "You always stayed the same. Always positive. Always sweet. Like a mother.... I always loved that about you" she looked away for a second just to looked back at me arms open letting her know I wanted to give her a big hug. She had stars in her eyes and she ran into me as she was changing and I felt us fuse.... I had fused before but never like that! When I opened my eyes I looked down to see one pair of arms wrapped around me and the other on Spinel's gem. I felt my hair and there was two sets of pigtails and my- her- our hair was kinda scruffy. "Spinel...?" I was stunned at what happened, we fused! "(G/N)...." We fell silent for a minute till I realized "We have to get back to earth." "What?" "We have to save the earth Spinel please it's-" one of our fusions hands covered our mouth and heard Spinel say 'Its okay (G/N) I understand we can go' we started walking to the warp to go back. When we got there we unfused holding each other's hand as we walked down the stairs "guys s-someone is back" I was nervous but ready to defend Spinel. She looked over my shoulder and Pearl and Amethyst took out they're weapons and I tried to chill everyone out then Greg can out of the bathroom and everyone turned to look at him he sounded kinda panicked and said "Alright! Alright! I'll was my hands" after that we went out onto the hill and Spinel made a horn with her pinky and the injector left the earth's crust. "Spinel! Thank you!" I hugged her tightly and she smiled and wrapped her arms around me "Okay! Now we have to figure out how to get Garnet and we can forget this!" Steven said and Spinel hesitated to let me go but said "What about me? Is that all you needed me for? To turn off my injector?" She seemed scared and sad Steven dumbly said "What? No! Well kind of... But we can forget-" he was cutoff by Spinel "How are you going to forget with me around? I'm the source of all you're problems. Are you gonna leave me?" I was shocked she thought that. I tried to hug her but she just glared at me slightly which stunned me and I couldn't move. She grabbed me wrapping her arm around my waist and Lifted me into the air and glared at me "AND I BET YOU WILL LEAVE ME LIKE SHE DID!" She glared at me and all I could do was tear up and stutter the words 'I'm sorry...' She stared at me her glare getting a little softer for a second until she growled and threw me into Steven. I helped him up and looked over at Spinel scared and angry she was blew a horn with her pinky making the injector go right back into the earth. I closed my eyes as I was about to fall threw the cracks. I expected to fall but there was no impact I opened my eyes to see Spinel's arms  wrapped around my neck and waist and there was Steven holding the rejuvenator telling her to let me go and to stop. She wrapped her arms tighter around saying "Oh you're so protective of you're 'Real Friends'! And you're so careless with you're FAKE ONES!" I tried to speak but Spinel covered my mouth saying "SHUT IT SCRAPPY!" I felt really hurt so I just silently cried. "Let her go." I heard a similar voice it was Garnet! I was so happy to hear her! Spinel let me go and went to attack Garnet but her Amethyst and Pearl stretched her limbs out and made her hit her injector. Spinel looked at the  tip then back at me and smiled as she grabbed me and jumped to the top of the injector. I saw Steven climbing and started to cry "Let me go! Please!" I pleaded which just made Spinel giggle "I'm not done with you yet" Spinel had a scary smile on her face. I could barely move. And during all of this Steven got to the top and yelled "LET HER GO!" We looked at Steven, Spinel was glareing and I was crying. Spinel looked back at me and said "if you want her you'll have to take her!" Suddenly she was spinning me around and dancing a little then she brought me to her face and we fused. Spinel's eyes were the only ones to open and it was like she had full control. Steven was shocked as Spinel grabbed him by the arm and lifted him up in the air "Y'know I came here to take my anger out on a bunch of strangers but now that I know you I wanna kill you even more." Steven was scared and said "I dont get it!" "Huh?" "Why aren't my powers back!? This is the story of my life! A gem that I don't know wants to kill me! The worlds about to end! What is it that I'm missing!?" Spinel started to laugh and said "W-Wow. I expected something but this is how you started? The legend? Steven universe!?" She laughed more before saying "How did a power less loser like you become the savior of the galaxy!?" I wanted to speak but I couldn't but I heard Steven say "I changed. The first power I had was the power to change." Suddenly he got his powers back and I was so happy I yelled "STEVEN YOU REMEMBERED!" Spinel got made at me and yelled "SHUT U-" we were tackled down by Steven who tried to unfuse us but Spinel kept that from happening she growled and hit Steven giving him a bloody nose. Steven fought us. Spinel threw him into the sky and jumped up to attack him but I tried to stop her but all I could do was hold her back a second. She hit Steven with so much force she hit him back into the injector and broke the top and she yelled "JUST NOT GOOD ENOUGH I WAS JUST NOT GOOD ENOUGH FOR PINK! BUT NOW. NOW!! IM NOT GOOD AT ALL!" She slammed the top and cracked it even more then we started to break down "Spinel please..." I was crying my arms keeping us from moving. She realized that she was hurting Steven. Hurting me. Hurting herself. Our fusion hugged itself crying hard and Steven wanted to help us but the injector was about to explode! Which it did but thankfully Steven was able to save us and as soon as we touched the ground we unfused. I was silently sitting and Spinel was standing crying. She got me to stand up and grabbed my hands apologizing frantically but I stayed silent tearing up. Suddenly there was something in the sky it was the diamonds ship!?


1458 words?

Spinel x gem!readerWhere stories live. Discover now