My Older Brother's Best Friend... Wait What Older Brother?! -Chapter 16

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Hey stalkers, creeps, & Santa,

I would have uploaded yesterday, but I had to get a loaner laptop from my school and give them the one that was issued to me because my laptop had like 50 virus' on it. So yeah, oh and just a heads up. THIS IS IMPORTANT!!!! I will be leaving on January 14. I will not beable to post any more on this site a few days before that. I'll tell you when it will be my last upload on here. But for now, here's 'My Older Brother's Best Friend... Wait What older Brother?! -Chapter 16'. This one is longer, it came out to be a little more then 4 pages in open office writer.


My Older Brother's Best Friend... Wait What Older Brother?! -Chapter 16

Recap of Last Chapter:

-Alex's Point of View

Oh god! Her breath feels so good! Why does it always have to send chills down my spine?! It feels great against my skin. It feels right, just like she does when shes in my arms. Wait, what am I saying?! I shouldn't be saying these things! I'm not into Scarlet! I'm not! I'm not! I'm not! think...I am into Scarlet..... OH SHIT!!!! SOOO NOT GOOD!!! Please, oh please tell me that I'm not falling for her! Please! Someone tell me that I'm not!


-May's Point of View

"Hey sweetheart?" My mom calls me from down stairs. I hop off the counter and head down the stairs, meeting her at the bottom.

"Yeah mom?" I ask. She holds out a bucket of clothes to me, so I take it. She smiles and heads back into the laundry room. I carry up the basket and head up to the living room to fold them.

As I begin folding the clothes, I look over to see Alex and Scarlet in the corner snuggling together, asleep. My smile quickly turns into a frown, as I can feel the tears stinging my eyes. I quickly turn back to the laundry and continue folding. In the bottom of my stomach I feel kind of happy that Alex and Scarlet are together. They seem right for each other. Wait, what am I saying?! This is my (step) sister and my best [guy] friend! They shouldn't be together. It's wrong! Completely wrong!!

I sigh heavily and focus on the laundry. After about 30 minutes of folding clothes I am done with it. I start collecting the folded clothes and putting them in the bucket to take up stairs but as I'm putting Scarlet's clothes into the bucket, I hear someone move around. I look up to see Alex standing up with Scarlet in his arms. He smiles down at her and starts walking up the stairs. A few minutes later, he makes his way back down the steps, quietly. "Hey May-May, whats ya been up to?" He asks coming up beside me. I look up at him and give him a 'Isn't it obvious' look. "Oh folding laundry...yeah that was a stupid question to ask, huh?" He states awkwardly rubbing the back of his neck.

"How's Scarlet doing?" I ask, remembering what I over heard my parents talking about. I can't believe Scarlet was raped. And by her own step-dad for crying out loud!!! Whoever her step-dad is, he better hope that he doesn't me me, Cameron, or Alex because if he does meet anyone of us, then I don't think he will be living anymore. I will beat the shit out of him for hurting my sister. (What? Just because we're step sisters doesn't mean that she's not like a real sister to me. Even though she and Alex are dating, I still care about her.)

"May-May, are you okay?" His voice breaks through my thoughts. He has his hands on my upper arms and is looking down to me with worry in his voice and his eyes.

I look up into his eyes and slowly nod my head. Once he sees that I am fine, his eyes drain all the worriness but is replaced with love and lust. Wait! Am I seeing this right?! Holy shit, I am! Alex, my step sister's boyfriend/my best friend, is looking at me with lust in his eyes! Me!! Oh my god! Best day ever!!

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