Dear Diary,
Entering this because I know this can potentially help someone in a similar position. I think the main thing in life is to be kind, and help people. That is the pinnacle thing right now.
I decided to do this God! because only the Lord knows what's boggling in my head, I need to let it out and ideally this place is full of people that are creative, hurt, ambitious but brave people putting it at the forefront. I feel this will be therapeutic, right now ..
I'm in bed.. can't fall asleep and me having to deal what the next day brings., it's scary being deemed as different in a cultural setting but also family wise and church wise. There's a thing called "White Sunday" in Samoan culture pretty much commemorating young Samoan kids to take play in biblical plays and singing songs and eating afterwards which is a massive feast but it gets tiring and overdone in my opinion. The congregation is a bit corrupt and it's hard being different when the bible states something that doesn't fit you. Then you realise there's too many contradictions within the bible but save that for another dear diary entry hahahaha. It's going to be an interesting day, but will fill everyone in for those that want to read what happens in the life of this guy (me) lol.
Being Pacific is hard but also travelling through and adapting to the Western world we live in than going back to a cultural standpoint where you have to shift and change, two worlds I travel in everyday, it's hard but I know through prayer (grace of God) I will be okay.
Dear diary
SpiritualThis will be a semi personal journal with altered names to vent out my frustrations and highlights within each and every day. As a human we need to vent, I vent through writing ✍️.