*The Best Friend*

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I woke up to the sound of my alarm and damn, it's already 7 am and I need to prepare for school.

By the way, my name is Nine Kornchid. You can call me Nine. I was born on the 9th of September in 1999. I am 20 years old and I study theater arts. I am also NBSB, which means 'No Boyfriend Since Birth'. I know that is surprising given the multitude of good traits that I have: smart, funny, talented, I can say that I am cute... well I think... err... hope... suck it, my mom told me that I am cute, so to hell with people's opinion about me.

A knock came to my door "Nine, you better get up or you'll be late today!"

Well, that's my mom. I love her to the moon and back but it is annoying when she nags this early. "Yes ma, I'm up!"

My morning routine usually goes as follows:

1. Lie in bed for a few more minutes, stare at the ceiling and contemplate about the bad decisions I made yesterday.
2. Contemplate if it's worth it to be late today and stay in a little bit more.
3. Decide either to masturbate or not.
4. If it is a 'No' on the last 2 questions, proceed with taking a bath and breakfast.

I was going to proceed with step number 3 when my phone started to ring.

"Hello?" I answered, it was my best friend Joong. What would he want this early?

"Hey... so I was thinking." here is Joong with his ideas. Whenever he has one, it was a sure-fire disaster.

"Not your ideas this early. You just ruined an imperative moment in my day." I whined. I really don't want to listen.

"You are just going to masturbate." I rolled my eyes "anyway, I had a dream." I stayed silent "it was the worst thing ever, so my dream goes like this: I woke up sixty years in the future, I was a lonely 80-year-old man living alone."

"So, a nightmare?" damn, this man ruined my mood to masturbate for this? "it's a normal thing to have."

"No! It is not okay! It felt real! I can't imagine growing old like that and dying alone!"

This is exasperating. I don't need this drama this early "We are gay Joong, most likely we'll die old and alone. It's a big possibility."

"It can't happen to me. It won't happen to me. I am very good looking." He paused dor a while "So back to my idea, I'm going to find a long term relationship."

I gagged on my own saliva after hearing it "True, you look fucking hot but you have a bad rep. With how it is, it is going to be hard for you to find someone who will be serious with you. Remember that one time when you deliberately hurt someone because you want to stay single and fuck around?"

Joong was silent on the other line. I waited for a few seconds for a response "If you're not going to talk, I am hanging up."

"Do you really think that I am like a gigolo?"

"Dude, I didn't say you are a gigolo, what I am saying is you are too promiscuous. Those are two different things." I huffed.

You see, my best friend is extremely good looking. Standin 6 ft tall, with a body to die for and a face that can make you fall in love in three seconds. If he wasn't my best friend, I would definitely have a crush on him. The good thing is I known him since gradeschool so I know him well enough to know that he would use his looks to get laid anytime.

"Whatever, it's the same thing." he said. I can imagine him rolling his eyes at me.

"Dude, are you really telling me this? Between us, I'm better when it comes to the English language, so when I tell you that is different, it's different."

"Do you really hav to know it all?" Joong seemed to give up the topic "Should I pick you up?" he asked me.

"Quarter to eight."

"See you."


I dropped the phone on my side and proceeded to undress. I stared at my naked body's reflection on the mirror and thought to myself: damn, I am going to die a virgin.

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