~The Sewing Room~

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~Eddie Gluskin POV~

-8 hours later-

"Follow me" This strange man tugs me by my ripped shirt, I follow because I'm covered in blood from the engine and right now my face hurts like hell it feels like it's burning and my left eye feels droopy, we go to this magnificent room with Maniquins, sewing machines, threds and needles this is like a play ground for a little boy, he tell me his name in such a childish voice "Dennis" I asked for his age even though people class it as rude but if I'm right he should say around a really young age "I-I'm eight" I was correct he has multi personality disorder since when he told me to follow him he sounded around his fortys but who knows. I go and sit down and start sewing a suit for my self which is going to be the start of my future wedding, all I need is a bride hmm maybe Dennis will be my bride, all I just need to do is get all the volger bits out of him such as his small pecker, I need to get rid of his pecker so I can make a place to plant my seed and stuff pillow stuffing into his breasts, I just need to see if that's a compatible option maybe he doesn't have silky skin as I want in a women.
-20 mins later-
I hear a door open and slam then a few boxes clashing to the ground so I obviously go follow the sound and give Dennis a knife, I speed walk down and see a beautiful pale blonde woman placing the boxes back in such a politely manner, ladylike which is what I need her skin seems so silky and pale with her emerald green eyes that glimmer in the shadows of nothingness, I look down and see that my penis is hard which mamma said to me means that when my pecker gets hard then it's a sign of liking someone, I go back to where the sewing havens are and rub one out as I really needed too but the beautiful women walked pass and I quickly got up and chase her so she can be my bride, my lover.

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