~Our Child Dennis~

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~Lisa Park~ POV~

-10 Weeks Later-

It's time, it's time to be the bride I was supposed to be. Eddie will be so proud that I love him and that I have followed every order he has gave me, I even helped him kill the patients but the only problem with that is before they die he treats them like a bride a loved one which gets me pissed off because he's mine no one else's. All mine. I repair his outfit whenever it gets ripped and help him sew dresses for the brides he mutilates and kills afterwards, I even go around the hospital to find Dennis because he is basically our child well he sometimes talks like a child I assume that he is inflicted with dissociative identity disorder and a very imaginative person the only problem is Dennis is hungry and there isn't really much food anymore a lot of it has been either eaten by rats or patients, a lot of the food is rotten but I need to keep Dennis away from them and other patients because Chris Walker doesn't like Dennis and he tries to eat the rotten food that will make him really I'll and id hate to take him to trager the mad doctor that only wears an aperon and glasses he is also looks old like around 50 something but that could be all from the stress he has in the medical ward.
I slowly drag Dennis towards me and held him tightly to my chest sinse the wall rider was going pass
"Follow me" I say softly into Dennis's ear, he slowly follows as I hold his hand and Eddie comes running because he wondered where.
"I was finding Dennis our child remember? "
"Oh yes can't have him running off now can we" He pats Dennis head and tells him to go to his little area that I made for Dennis and I had to brake into the office of the mount massive asylums owner Craig I believe his name was but probably dead now.
I broke in to get blankets, pillows and toys such as stuffed animals for Dennis so he doesn't witness the things me and Eddie do because I think he would be disturbed or just want to play with the dead body by stabbing them frantically.
But you have to love Dennis our child our son.
"Mamma? "
"Yes Dear"
"I hungry"
"I'm sorry Dennis but there is nothing to eat"
Dennis points to the corpse Eddie is dragging out.
"No Dennis it's bad and I don't want you playing with him"
Eddie Comes over intriguied at me and Dennis's conversation
"Lisa Darling, Dennis can have at least a finger sandwich"
Eddie goes to cut the fingers off the man that just lays there in rest while I get some moldy bread, Eddie puts the fingers on the bread and hands the sandwich to Dennis.
"Thank you papa" Dennis said happily stuffing his face.
I guess how we gonna live now is off Eddie's dead brides he throws out sinse you could probably cook the intestines for Burgers or Steak.
"Dennis it's time for bed" I whisper while Eddie is already asleep.
"Oki mamma"
I tuck Dennis in and hand him his stuffed rat which Eddie made him, I sing him a little song and then he passes out.
I go to the bed Eddie is sleeping in and take my pants off then I crawl into the bed and lay next to Eddie. Eddie pulls me close to him and I kiss his forehead and sleep sinse it's probably around 1:00am, it's also rainy as always but I found that Dennis also got into tragers med stock and got hooked onto Asprin.
-But I'm worried about Dennis ain't you?

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