~Lonely Eddie~

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~Eddie Gluskin POV~

'In the lonely chilling room laid a sad Eddie but his nick name became the groom because he wanted a bride that badly, that bad he became insane and got committed to Murkoff Mental Institution'

Its so cold, its so dark, so lonely, I miss having interaction momma always told me to have the little girl that I have always wanted of my dreams when I was a little boy.

the door to this lonely sad room, the guards took me and carried me to the lobby as you can call it, I waited there for ages and ages probably 16 hours well it felt like.

The guards drag me to this room with glass at the top it was strange because it was bright with this bubble thingy in the centre.

the guards begin to restrict me and I panic and I release my self free from their tight grip.

I begin to scream and notice this beautiful women the only women in the facility, I scream and jump up at the window where she is and screamed painfully 'I know you, you have to help me PLEASE'.

They drag me to the bubble that billy hope was in, they put tubes in me and I struggled but all that was doing is making my right eye going blood shot and burning half of my face I wanted to cry but couldn't it was to painful that I couldn't have any tears except just had this look of sadness in me, gripping a tight grasp if the wires that was on the side of my ribs, it was so painful to painful for a human mind to comprehend to complicated, the human brain is simple even though it seems complicated but it's really not, god I just wanted to get the fuck out and die or kill those fucking doctors but soon enough that happened about 2 hours later.

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