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The days are drifting, fazing in and out. Jasper only leaves when his work calls him. Word of Keria's death has traveled into the camp and a celebration is going to happen when I get out of the wing. Jasper has limited the visitors that can come into my room so only him, Aspen, Cynthia, and Winnie were allowed. Conner isn't allowed in the room since I have made my intentions clear.  Winnie because she is the Lady of Goodwill and Cynthia because she is my friend and the Lady of Pride. 

I don't even hurt anymore, I was able to heat up my fingers and toes and temperature back up the second day  because of what I was and how my kind works. The pain is a dull lull in the back of my mind and the most annoying part was the snot and clogged up throat that I got the third day. I can feel Conner's essence around the room and the door, irritating me and making my head hurt and my eyes burn. We have disputes like this often, but never to the point where Jasper had to step in and not to the point where I wanted to actually hurt him.

They gave me nothing to do, no puzzles, no books. They say that this is my punishment for not telling them anything and making Jasper go on a wild goose chase and wake everyone in camp up, annoying the elders and waking up the babies, so here I sat alone in a room. I'm not bitter, what are you talking about?

These boring days fell into a routine, wake up, roll over, have Winnie heal me, talk to Jasper, Argue with Cynthia, think about what's gonna happen, try and use magic (Jasper doesn't know, and has told me before that I'm not allowed to use magic until I'm 100% sure that it works. I do it when he is helping people with his work) My nerves are fried and I'm very anxious because people are calling me, they want to be put to rest and to be relieved of their pain but with me stuck in here so many people are going to be suffering. Groaning and putting my hands over my head, the sound of the door is what makes me look up to see who it is.

"Hey love." I sigh watching a tired Jasper stagger in. His eyes are half open and in response to my greeting he grunts and jerks his head up.

"Tough day huh?" I continue, fiddling with the bandages on my hand, twisting the extra bandage.

"Tell me about it" He groans grabbing the bridge of his nose and sitting down in the chair next to the bed and me. He rubs his temples and closes his eyes quietly mumbling about 'lovesick fools' and 'idiots'.  You would think that the Lord of Love is an easy job. What people don't tell you is that love isn't always Jasper going to help the people who fall in love. Not everybody falls in love with each other, sometimes just one person falls in love and that means Jasper has to influence their love, even when we all know that usually that kind of love ends in misfortune. 

His job was easier than mine yes, but his wasn't the easiest to have. Love was a tricky thing. Misfortune was easier to understand but harder to carry out. Love is a slow and easy flame but is easier to blow out. Love is a wall that is unbreakable. Love is a leech on someone's skin. Teenagers thinking they found love only to fail later in the road. Older adults dying and leaving the other behind.

I smile sadly at him and bounce my leg against the bedpost repeatedly. Jasper chuckles and stands up, walking over to me. I reach out and try to grab his hand, he raises an eyebrow and chuckles once more, complying and giving me his hand to hold. Sighing I close my eyes and relax, my  magic echoing my thoughts and blue magic forming into small wisps and flew around the room, I open my eyes slowly when I feel a small presence touch my magic. I look at the small balls to see that there is a crimson ball spinning with my blue one. They were pouncing around and jumping through walls.

I gave his arm a light tug and he is quick to respond immedietly  standing up, and walking over to the short distance and his lips touched mine. The movements were soft and gentle, I felt his soft plump lips move agaisnt mine, we move as one I feel Jasper move to get on the bed and put his hands above my head. Seperating for air I close my eye and pull at his strings on his jacket, Letting it fall past his  shoulders and pulled the shirt over his head, pulling his shirt over it, his lips aggressively meeting mine again, I feel a moan softly escape my throat as he sways his hips so I move under his spread legs. He grabs one of my hands and pulls back, watching me. He chuckles and reaches forward to grab my shirt, about to pull it over my head, oh Derrin it's been so long! Knock knock!

"Orin are you in here? We have a problem!"

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