Jon x Bryan

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This was requested by Enorrd and theicewolf16 sorry it took so long I hope you like it. Also I have no idea who the art above belongs to but I really like it and if you happen to be the artist reading this then I'm sorry.

Jon's POV:

'Today is the day I finally get to see Bryan's amusement park.'

It had been about two months since I last saw Bryan in person. Though we have been keeping in touch through text messages. The last text I got from Bryan was yesterday when he offered to give me a tour of his amusement park. I of course accepted his offer because who wouldn't want to take a tour of a amusement park with a good looking guy like Bryan.

Now I was finally here in the entrance of the amusement park and was texting Bryan so he knows I'm here.

~~~~~~~~~~~Jon's Texts~~~~~~~~~~~

Jon: Hey Bryan.

❤Bryan❤: Hello Jonathan!

Jon: I'm at the entrance of your amusement park.

❤Bryan❤: Great! I'm already on my way!

Jon: Okay guess I'll just wait here then.

~~~~~~~~~~End Of Jon's Texts~~~~~~~

As I now just stood there waiting for Bryan I couldn't help but feel like someone was watching me. And whoever was watching me felt like they had some real trust issues.

"Why are you here?" I heard the voice behind me say. As I quickly turned around to see it was Bryan's Rockstar Freddy. 'So this is the guy Bryan was trying so hard to get back....why?'

As I stood there in front of Rockstar Freddy I really didn't see anything too special about him. He just seemed pretty ordinary to me. Though if I've learned one thing it's to not judge a book by it's cover.

"I'm here to see Bryan." I told Rockstar Freddy as he just gave me this look that said 'Bullshit'. He was about to say something to me but before he could we both heard someone scream my name. "Hey Jon! Glad you could make it on such short notice! I see you have already met Freddy." Bryan said as he gave me a gentle handshake. 'God...what I would give if it meant I got a second chance with him.'

Bryan's POV:

I was kind of nervous to see Jon again after the last time we met in person. But I have to admit it's nice getting to see him again. When I offered to give him a tour of my amusement park I honestly didn't think he'd say yes. But when he did I had to make sure everything was perfect one because he's my friend...sorta, and two because if I don't there's a chance he might take away my possession as CEO. So yeah...

"Nice to see you again Bryan." Jon said to me as I let of go his hand. "Bryan...why exactly is Jon here?" Rockstar Freddy asked me in a slightly agitated voice though I don't know why. "He's here for the tour of my amusement park! Why do you ask?" Rockstar Freddy then just looked at me as though I was a idiot. "No reason really. Just curious." Then without another word he turned around and walked away from me and Jon.

"He's just a ray of sunshine isn't he...?" Jon said in a very sarcastic voice. "He's just a little stressed is all. I promise he isn't usually like that." I told Jon trying to defend Rockstar Freddy. "Whatever you are we going to start that tour now?" Jon asked me as I began to head towards one of the rollercoasters. "You bet!"

TIMESKIP-(Brought to you by Lefty eating a pickle.)

"So that's about it for the tour!" I told Jon as we stopped right in front of Lefty's ferris wheel. This was the last spot that we had to see and now that it was over I was kind of disappointed. I didn't want Jon to leave now because I knew if he did I probably wouldn't get to see him again in another couple of months. But I can't think of any reason to make him stay longer.

" you want to take a ride on the ferris wheel with me before I go?" Jon asked causing me to snap out of my train of thought. "O-Oh yeah sure!" I quickly said as we made are way on to the ferris wheel. Where Lefty suddenly appeared out of nowhere. "You guys going on the ferris wheel?" Lefty questioned as he went over to the control panel. "Um...yes we are Lefty!" I quickly responded as Lefty gave me a little smirk.

"Okay then I'll turn it on for you two love birds!~" Lefty replied slyly as me and Jon both sat down and the ferris wheel turned on. I wanted to yell at Lefty for saying that but I kind of wished we were love birds...then suddenly the ferris wheel stopped as soon as we got to the top.

"Uh bad!" I heard Lefty yell from the bottom. "What did you do!?" I yelled back at him as my anxiety began to grow. "Um...your kind of stuck right now. But don't worry I'll go get help!" Lefty yelled as he quickly turned and ran away. Leaving me and Jon completely speechless on top of the ferris wheel. "Well...this could of been worse." Jon said as he looked at me. "How are you so calm!? We're stuck up here for who knows how long!" I yelled at him as I felt my anxiety grow one-hundred times faster. "At least I'm stuck here with you." Jon said as he gave me a hug which for some reason helped me calm down quickly. Though I couldn't help but blush at that comment. 'Maybe this is a sign to tell him? I mean it's now or never.' I thought to myself as I looked into Jon's eyes.

"Can I say something crazy?" I asked him.

"I love crazy!" Jon quickly replied.

I then leaned in and whispered into his ear. "I think I love you." Then just like that I saw Jon's expression change  into pure joy. "Really!?" he asked me quickly as I just nodded in response. Then Jon asked me a question that kind of took me off-guard. "C-Can I um...kiss you?" I don't know why he would ask me that but I decided to give him his answer by simply kissing him on the lips. Which made his face go bright red as he looked at me while I just smiled at him.

Lefty's POV:

"Mission accomplished Freddy! We did it!" I yelled as I was currently watching the new couple from a far. 'Looks like this is going into my ship book!' I thought. "Yeah whatever...can we go somewhere else now?" Freddy didn't seem that excited even though this was his plan. Oh well I guess I'll just let him do him.

Sorry this took so long I hope it's good enough!

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