Angel Jubper x Reddy

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This was requested by Terraco_AJ sorry took so long!

Jubper's POV:

It's been about a year since I...stopped  living. But I'm still here. Mainly for Reddy. It just didn't feel right leaving Reddy without at least saying goodbye first.

So I decided to come back just to see him. Though once I did see him again I knew I couldn't just leave him again. Then one thing lead to another and I am now Reddy's personal guardian angel while he's living with Davis.

I'd be lying if I said I didn't doubt Davis's abilities to take care of Reddy properly at first. But watching him and listening to Reddy's stories has completely erased all my doubt.

"Oh, hello God! When did you get here?" I heard Reddy ask as he walked back into his room, where I was currently sitting on his bed.

Reddy is the only one who can see and touch me since I'm his guardian angel.  Anyone else will just walk right through me without feeling a thing.

"Hey Reddy! How have you been today?" I asked as Reddy made his way over to me and sat down next to me on the bed. Reddy then said, "I've been great today! Davis and Kat just went to go on a date and they told me not to do anything too crazy." Reddy told me as he leaned slightly on my shoulder.

I smiled gently at him as I used my wing as a arm as I wrapped it around him gently. "Well I'm sure you won't do anything too crazy as long as I'm here to look after you." I told him as he just gave me a big dopey smile.

~1 Hour Later~

Welp...that wasn't as easy as I thought it would be. Reddy somehow managed to almost make two house fires! Luckily I was here to help him stop them before they got too big and fix up any burnt areas.

Now Reddy was back in his room just laying in his bed as I entered. "Hey Reddy, bud. What are you doing?" I asked him quietly as I sat down on the bed. Reddy looked at me before he responded, "Nothing I'm just going to rest for a bit. Do you want to join me?" He asked as I just nodded my head and slowly layed down next to him.

Reddy then gave me a big hug as he closed his eyes and whispered, "I love you God." I smiled and then closed my eyes.

"I love you too Reddy."

The End

I thing this was better than my last one.

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