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-Errors pov-

(We left off where Ink and Error started dating, this chapter will be a time skip to the next day)

I yawn as I wrap my hands around Inks waist. I sink into the bed, and I softly pull Ink closer to me, trying not to crash. You see even though I have a Phobia, Ink is the only one who can really touch me. Anyone else and I'll crash. I rest my chin(?¿) on Inks shoulder as I listen to his soft snores.

My mind wanders off, do I like him? Hopefully not.. I'm just acting like this in case he walks in. Right? Well, speak of the devil, here is Night standing besides my door frame!

"Error, uh- me and the boys are going on a mission, you will be uhm- alone with Ink. I'll be back in 3 hours.. Bye" Nightmare explains as he shuts my door before letting me respond.

I groan and close my eyes.

'Today will be just a chill day.'

'That will be e p I c '

'Yay more sleep!'

I nod in agreement with the voices. Ink then turns and cuddles into my chest, I hum and pet him in circular motions. He purrs, and I listen to him breathing slowly. I look down at him and study his facial features.

He has a ink Spot and little ink dots near his mouth. I smile, and I don't even know why. I'm just happy, happy to protect him.

'You like himmm~'

'Duh they are dating!'

'Error is only dating him for his safety, sToOpId!'

'Yall dumb, Ink likes Error, but Error don't like him'

'No! Error does like him, he just won't admit it!'

'How bout you guys shut up and let the poor skeleton sleep with his Angel'

"I agree with the last voice, SHUT UP!" I yelled. Ink groans and mumbles before going to sleep again.

Today is going to be a lonnnnggg day.

I grumble as I slowly get out of the bed, Ink still is sleeping. I open the door and close it, then I walked down the steps. I see Dream entering the mansion, I growl.

"And why are YOU here?" I question.

"Cause I want to speak with Ink." He simply replies , "We have a mission today."

I sigh, "Is Blue going to be there?"


I murmur cuss words under my breath as I teleport Ink in my arms. Ink opens his eyes and smiles, then he saw Dream and his smile faded. "YOU have a mission with THEM, I'll be here if you need me-" Dream grabbed Ink as they teleported off.

I trust Blue enough.. He will be safe.

-Inks POV -

Dream held me as he teleported to Under¡!Swap. I zoned out, letting dark questions enter my head..

'Is he going to hurt me?'

'Will I ever see Error again?'

'Does Error not care about me getting hurt?'


"Hello?!" Blue shouted as he waved his hands, "Earth to Ink!"

I jumped out of Dreams arms, as my wings picked me up from the ground.

"Sorry Blue," I apologized, "zoned out.."

He gave me a little smile, as Dream frowned.

"Okay," I awkwardly said, "Now what?"

Dream scoffed, "We need to go to.."

I tilted my head, "Too?"

"Under!¡Fell." He claimed, "Night is at it again."

Blue nodded, agreeing with him. I sighed and opened a portal, following the other two as they walked through.

'Wind blew past the trees. Dust covered the ground. Faint screams are heard, but no one was found. You see a dark figure. You freeze. '

Dream called out towards his hate-filled brother. Night snapped his head towards him, then glanced at me.

"Brother, stop this madness!" He yelled.

"Dream, not everything is about happiness," He sighed, "I can even sense you losing hope about.. Him"

Me and Blue raised our non existent eyebrows. Killer, Cross, Horror, and Dust all stood besides Nightmare, letting him talk.

"We do NOT-" He snapped, "-EVER SPEAK ABOUT HIM"

Suddenly a dark tentacle flew my way, before I could react I was caught by Nightmare.

"Whatever," He mumbled, "Since your Errors Boyfriend I need to keep you safe."

Dream heard that, his mouth dropped. Blue gave a sorry look at him. He shook his head and sniffed.

"T-tch, let's j-just get this over w-with." He said in a shaky tone.

Night sat me towards the side and signaled the others to attack. I see Error standing besides me.. Strange, thought he was at the house.


A arrow flew past Errors head. He growled and glared at Dream.

"Hold on my love." He cooed as he waved.

Error ran towards Dream.

'Someone screamed, another yelled. One coughed, another cried. Everything was in slow motion, as you see blood hit the white snow.. But whose?'


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